First meeting of the Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals

The Working Group’s team on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) held its first meeting on Monday, February 29th, in the meeting room of the Ministry of Defence.

This meeting was aimed at starting the debate on the process of implementing the SDGs in Timor-Leste. Framing those Objectives in the 2017 budget plan, in the short term, was also discussed.

“The Working Group’s role is to further the debate on the achievement of the SDGs in Timor-Leste. We will work together with the ministerial structures to identify the main objectives, which are aligned with our Strategic Plan, and start implementing them from 2017. We will see how we can develop a monitoring mechanism for the program’s implementation” said Alex Tilman, Officer of Public Policies Analysis and Monitoring, from the Prime Minister’s Office.ODS2 300x225  First meeting of the Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals

Teams from the Ministry of Finance and from the Prime Minister’s Office explained the Sustainable Development Goals and how this new global approach is linked to the Strategic Development Plan. The g7+ team [international solidarity association for protection of fragile and in conflict countries], for its part, discussed the mechanisms to achieve Peacebuilding and Nation building objectives through the SDGs.

In the final meeting, focal points from each Ministry identified the main objectives of the SDGs, related to their fields of responsibility, which will be discussed with the relevant sectors in each Ministry, in order to produce the Action Plan for 2017.

The meeting was organized by the Prime Minister’s Office and was attended by General and National Directors, focal points from each Ministry and representatives of other government agencies.
