Prime Minister launches Maritime Boundary Office website

Prime Minister Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo this morning officially launched the new Maritime Boundary Office website.

The new website is an important tool to help Timor-Leste in its pursuit of permanent maritime boundaries. It is a comprehensive online platform detailing why Timor-Leste is pursuing maritime boundaries and looks at the many existing treaties in the Timor Sea, as well as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Timor-Leste shares maritime boundaries with Indonesia and Australia and yetLancamento Portal Fronteiras Maritimas 2 PG 300x195 Prime Minister launches Maritime Boundary Office website those boundaries have yet to be established. Achieving permanent maritime boundaries is a national priority for Timor-Leste – it is the final step in Timor-Leste’s journey for sovereignty and independence.

The website is completely trilingual, in our official languages Tetun and Portuguese and English for our international audience.

To view the website, please visit
