CPLP Global Economic Forum

CPLP Global Economic Forum
Date: From February 25th to 27th

The CPLP Global Economic Forum will be held between February 25th and 27th, 2016, in Díli. This first forum will be organized by the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and is supported by the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (Portuguese acronym CPLP), the Business Confederation of the CPLP (Portuguese acronym CE-CPLP) and the Exporters Union of the CPLP (Portuguese acronym UE -CPLP).

The event falls under the general theme of “CPLP and globalization”, chosen by the organization’s current Timorese Presidency. The debate on “Timor-Leste as a platform for development” aims to promote the united “efforts to establish the CPLP flag in the business world, in a globalized and increasingly competitive environment”. As the Minister of State, Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries of Timor-Leste, Estanislau da Silva referred, disclosing the collective ambition to boost trade between the CPLP economic zone and the Asia-Pacific region.

In order to integrate itself with globalization, CPLP has to “project itself as an economic area with potential, with a growing impact on the world economy” as the Executive Secretary of CPLP, Mozambican Ambassador Murade Murargy, who will be attending this event, has been stating.

The CPLP Global Economic Forum is part of the dynamics to stimulate the partnership creation between companies within the Community, a dimension that has been consolidating not only through CPLP, but also through CE -CPLP and UE-CPLP.

Date: February 25th
Place: Dili Conventions Center

08h30-9h45: Opening and registration of participants
10h00–10h45: Opening Ceremony
Opening institutional speeches

10h45–11h15: Opening of the Event “Partnerships for Development”:
Local Products from each Country, Companies Stands
11h15–11h30: Coffee break
11h30–12h30: Theme Rooms (Countries’ Presentations on Doing business, investment and Import/Export needs and interests)
12h45–14h00: Lunch break
14h15–15h30: Theme Rooms (Countries’ Presentations on Doing business, investment and Import/Export needs and interests)
15h30–15h45: Coffee break
“Partnerships for Development”: Local Products from each Country, Companies Stands
15h45–17h00: Theme Rooms (Countries’ Presentations on Doing business, investment
and Import/Export needs and interests)
19h30: Dinner “Platform of Cultures and Interests “ – Lahane Presidential Palace

Date: February 26th
Place: Dili Conventions Center
09h00: Event “Partnerships for Development”
09h15-10h30: Theme Rooms (Countries’ Presentations on Doing business, investment and Import/Export needs and interests)
10h30–10h45: Coffee break
10h45–12h00: Theme Rooms
12h00–12h30: B2B meetings
13h00–14h15: Lunch break
14h30–17h00: B2B meetings

Place: Foreign Affairs Ministry
09h00–11h30: Agro Business and Industry Panel
14h30–18h30: “ Raise CPLP flag in the Global Business”
Panel I: CPLP, a Multi-Regional Community in Expansion Themes for debate:
- “Economic Communities Role in the Global Economy and CPLP role as a multi-regional Community”
- “Challenges and opportunities of CPLP ́s enhancement of relationships with different Regional Communities.”
Panel II: East Timor as a CPLP Platform at Asia-Pacific
Themes for debate:
- “East Timor initiatives of integration within aSEaN and asia-Pacific Region Countries: mutual benefits for CPLP, aSEaN and asia-Pacific Region.”
- “How political and economic integration of East Timor in aSEaN and asia-Pacific Region is seen and observed: challenges and opportunities.”
Panel III: Improvement of Business competitiveness within CPLP
Themes for debate

- “The main projects of economic integration within CPLP”
- “Specific initiatives to enhance competitiveness in CPLP ́s economic sector”

Date: February 27th
Place: Dili Conventions Center

09h00: Event “Partnerships for Development”
09h30–13h00: B2B meetings
13h00–14h00: Lunch
14h00–16h00: B2B meetings

Place: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
14h00–16h00: “Economic and Social inovation as the engine for economic sustainable development”
Panel I: Economic and sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, social innovation
Themes for debate:
- “Sustainable economic development in today ́s World”
- “Corporate Social responsibility, Social Innovation and Social market Economy”
- “ZEESm as a case-study. The social economy and sustainable development project for Oe-Cússe ambeno ́s Social market Economy Special administrative Region (East Timor)
17h00–18h00: Closing ceremony
– “Díli Declaration”
– Institutional Speeches

28 and 29 February
Extra-Forum activities
The organization of the event will provide investment visits to different regions of Timor-Leste, regarding different economic sectors.

- Oe-Cusse Ambeno – ZEESM (Special Zone of Social Market Economy)
- Atauro (tourism and sea / Blue Economy)
- Tibar (bamboo design) and Ermera (coffee) – agricultural farms and cooperatives zone
- Baucau (leisure and conference tourism / training; agribusinesses space)
- Manatuto (the cement industry; marble design and pottery)
- Hera (electric complex and adjacent industries / industrial park)
- Aileu (agricultural sector)

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=14449