Meeting of the Council of Ministers of January 12th, 2016

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Dili, January 12th, 2016

Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers of January 12th, 2016

The Council of Ministers met this Tuesday, January 12th, 2016, in the meeting room of the Council of Ministers, at the Government Palace in Dili, and approved:

1. Government Resolution on technical and administrative assistance protocols between the Government and the Special Regional Administrative Oe-cusse Ambeno Authority

This measure is taken following the end of the mandate, on December 31st, 2015, of the Commission of Coordination and Monitoring. In institutional articulation with the Special Regional Administrative Oe-cusse Ambeno Authority (RAEOA), it aimed to coordinate and oversee the transfer of functions, activities, means and resources of the Government and Public Administration, central and decentralised, to the said authority.

At a meeting held on November 5th, in Porto Mahata, in Oe-Cusse Ambeno, the Commission of Coordination and Monitoring, presided by the Prime Minister and attended by the President of the RAEOA Authority, Government members and regional secretaries, considered having fulfilled its legal mandate to ensure the smooth progress of the programs and projects transferred to the Region, as well as the interinstitutional articulation of Government assistance to start the Special Economic Zone for Social Market Economy of Oe-Cusse Ambeno and Atauro Program.

This diploma gives continuity to the institutional articulation, at the sectorial level, between the ministries and their institutions and bodies, with the authority of the RAEOA. It creates the possibility of ministers being able to establish collaboration protocols with the President of the Authority to define the type of technical and administrative assistance that each ministry can provide. It also enables the possibility of appointing an official or public officer for each ministry, to organize and coordinate the technical and administrative assistance provided.

2. Government Resolution on the appointment of the new Rector of the National University of Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL)

The Council of Ministers appointed Rector of UNTL Professor Francisco Miguel Martins, PhD, for a five years term. The appointment respects the results of the election conducted by UNTL’s General Council, who chose this scholar, by a majority of votes, recognizing him to have “high integrity standards and independence for the office”. The vote took place on July 29th, 2015.

The Council of Ministers congratulated the outgoing Rector, Aurélio Guterres, PhD, for his work during the past five years and wished Professor Francisco Miguel Martins success in his mandate.


The Council of Ministers also examined:

1. Twelfths System

The Finance Minister informed the Council of Ministers on the States’s twelfths system financial management process, in progress while the General State Budget for 2016 awaits ratification to enter into force.

2. El Niño – Report of the situation in Timor-Leste

The Ministry of the Interior updated the Government on the impacts caused by the climate phenomenon known as El Niño and the measures being developed, following the presentation made at the meeting of the Council of Ministers of November 30th, 2015.

The Director General of Civil Protection informed, in detail, the Government members on the situation felt throughout all municipalities. He also reported on the activities undergoing since November of last year, to reduce the adverse effects that already exist, especially in the eastern parts of the country, due to lack of water. Several ministries are involved in the implementation of the measures, which include, among others, the Special Emergency Plan for Civil Protection, actions to increase awareness through media and the study of locations for the construction of water wells in the municipalities.

Several probable scenarios were presented, which take into account the data of El Niño history in Timor-Leste, the seasonal calendar and the development of plantations, especially maize and rice. Based on these, response actions are being prepared, in particular the National Evaluation Programme, the National Monitoring System and the Special Emergency Plan for Civil Protection.
