Members of the Legislative Reform and Justice Sector Commission sworn in

Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste

 Díli, December 18th, 2015


Members of the Legislative Reform and Justice Sector Commission sworn in

 On Wednesday the President and Members of the Legislative Reform and Justice Sector Commission were sworn in by Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araujo at a ceremony conducted in the Meeting Room of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The Commission is a new structure, established by the Sixth Constitutional Government, with a mission to recommend law reform, evaluate how laws are being implemented and to help harmonize legislation.

The President the Commission is Jorge Manuel Ferreira da Graça. The other permanent members are Henrique Côrte-Real de Araújo and Melisa Ibela Diliana e Silva Caldas. José Manuel Guterres was sworn in as a non-permanent member appointed by the President of the Court of Appeal.

Jorge da Graça, who has a Degree in Law and a Masters of Arts in development studies, has had a long and distinguished career as a legal practitioner, advisor and lecturer. Significantly, as a precursor to this new responsibility, he has had broad experience as a team leader reviewing and drafting legislation in Timor-Leste and Mozambique.

The Prime Minister congratulated the President and Commission members and noted that the Commission was “based on the 2011-2030 Strategic Development Plan” which “considers it essential to review and improve the legal instruments ensuring the protection of rights, liberties and guarantees, as well as access to the law, bringing the legislation closer to the democratic ideals and the citizens of Timor-Leste.”

The work of the Commission is part of a package of reform programs initiated by the Government this year to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery and promote good governance and institutional development.

In closing his remarks at the ceremony the Prime Minister emphasized “This is a key and strategic reform for enabling the growth and development of our country and for ensuring better service delivery to the people.”
