Inauguration of Betano’s Polytechnic Pole of UNTL

The Prime Minister of the Sixth Constitutional Government, Rui Maria de Araújo, inaugurated on November 14th, the Polytechnic Pole of the National University of Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL in Tetun), in Betano, in the administrative post of Same, municipality of Manufahi. This work had been symbolically launched by former Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, three years ago.

In his speech, the Head of Government stated that the “socio-economic development of Timor-Leste covers four major sectors – agriculture, tourism, the oil industry and infrastructure – and, therefore, education must start to focus to train people who can work in these areas”.9K9A4316 140x105 Inauguration of Betano’s Polytechnic Pole of UNTL

After this extension of UNTL to Betano, other poles in other regions will also be constructed, in order to facilitate the higher education to young people in the municipalities, without the need to go to Dili to continue their studies.

9K9A4394 140x105 Inauguration of Betano’s Polytechnic Pole of UNTLRui Maria de Araújo stressed that the students graduated in Betano will have to leave the university with the ability to start heir work life. “This means that, when they complete the Agriculture course in the Polytechnic Pole of Betano, they must know how to produce agricultural products. When they complete the Engineering course, they must be able to work in this area. In our opinion, the development process is always in motion. We need many engineers and technicians with diplomas I, II and III in the area of civil construction, carpenters, welders, among others.”

To teachers, the Chief of the Executive pointed out that they should develop curricula that guide the students in connection with the labour market, so that those who leave the Polytechnic Pole of Betano know how to work in these specific areas.

The Prime Minister stressed that the development in Timor-Leste needs to promote the training of many people, so they can work in the areas if welding, construction, carpentry, agriculture and oil industry.

The Head of Government welcomed the good cooperation between the Ministry of Education and UNTL, in implementing the plan for the construction of this academic project in Betano.

Finally, Rui Maria de Araújo congratulated the municipality of Manufahi for the collaboration in this important educational pole. With it, grows the hope that the young people who are going to follow studies in this institution, in a few years, will have already completed the course and graduated, so they can work in the projects in Manufahi and on the South Coast of the national territory.9K9A4430 140x105 Inauguration of Betano’s Polytechnic Pole of UNTL

In the opening ceremony, the Prime Minister signed the commemorative plaque and cut the ribbon at the entrance to the building of the Polytechnic Pole. He was accompanied by the Minister of Education, António da Conceição, by the Rector of UNTL, Aurélio Guterres, by Administrators of the municipalities of Ainaro, Manatuto, Same and Suai, by community leaders, students of UNTL and directors of secondary schools of these municipalities.

In his trip, Rui Maria de Araújo also visited the Health Centres of Same and Betano and the Power Plant of Betano.
