Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 27th, 2015

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Díli, October 27th, 2015

Extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 27th, 2015

The Council of Ministers met extraordinarily on October 27th, 2015, in the meeting room, at the Government Palace in Díli, and approved:

1. The Government Decree on the Legal Regime of Fixed-term Employment Contracts in Public Administration

Article 27 of Law No.8/2004, of May 5th, which approves the Civil Service Statute, in the wording given by Law No.5/2009, of July 15th, defines fixed-term employment contract as the bilateral agreement by which a person not integrated in the staff ensures, with character of subordination, transitional service needs with a fixed duration.

With the goal of consolidating the Public Administration and ensuring a disciplined management of its financial and human resources, the approval of the present diploma establishes rules and standard procedures for recruitment, remuneration and management of contracts, as well as the evaluation of the performance of all fixed-term workers by the Public Administration.

The legal regime approved shall come into force on January 1st, 2016, and does not overturn the contracts currently in force, which can only be renewed through evaluation, and must comply with the rules defined in the diploma.

From 2017, the payments relating to fixed-term contracts shall be made from the wages and salaries budget category, which allows more precise information on the amount which the State spends with its work force.

 2. Decree-Law on Awards and Prizes in the Public Administration

The Council of Ministers approved the Law No.8/2004, of June 16th, amended by Law No.5/2009, of July 15th, which provides for the granting of awards and prizes to officials of the Public Administration.

The Government intends to highlight the officials and institutions that differentiate themselves by their exemplary fulfilment of obligations, efficiency and professional dedication. It should further dignify the officials who benefit from old-age and disability pension and those who died in the course of their professional activity.

 3. Decree-Law approving the Licensing, Operation and Control Process of Social, Entertainment, Traditional and Machine Gambling Activities

The regulations in this field intends to contribute to the reduction and punishment of clandestine gambling, usually associated with illicit activities, which deserve the widespread rejection of the Timorese society. Its approval ensures the rights and obligations of its patrons and the significant improvement in the attendance of venues, which we want to see reflected in the best possible conditions of safety and protection for the players.

The Council of Ministers also reviewed:

 1. Timor-Leste’s Programme of Reform and Economic Promotion for 2015-2017

The Council of Ministers examined the first Programme of Reform and Economic Promotion of Timor Leste for the period 2015-2017, presented by Minister of State, Coordinator of Economic Affairs (MECAE in Portuguese), Estanislau da Silva. Timor-Leste’s Programme of Reform and Economic Promotion is a strategic binding instrument of the whole Government which is intended, on one side, to operationalize the Government Programme and the Strategic Development Plan and, on the other, to work as an instrument of economic coordination of all Government entities under the coordination of MECAE. It is expected that, in the next two years, this programme creates the structuring bases for the transformation and diversification of Timorese economy, with private sector growth and creation of more jobs.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=13811