Prime Minister meets with Secretary General of the United Nations in New York

The Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo has met today, September 24th, with the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, on the day before the opening of the Summit for the adoption of the post-2015 Development Agenda.

In their brief meeting the Secretary General thanked Timor-Leste for its role in shaping the new 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and particularly its strong advocacy in the process of developing Goal 16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. He congratulated Timor-Leste on the success of its development since achieving independence and noted that many countries look to the nation as an example of stability and economic growth. The Secretary General also expressed his appreciation for the contribution of Dr. José Ramos Horta for his work in Guinea-Bissau and in the High-level Independent Panel on UN Peace Operations.

Prime Minister Araújo informed the Secretary General that Timor-Leste’s Council of Ministers has adopted the Sustainable Development Goals. He noted that the Sustainable Development Goals would become a part of the country’s policyIMG 4756 140x105 Prime Minister meets with Secretary General of the United Nations in New York framework and that Timor-Leste was serious about the implementation of the Agenda. The Prime Minister talked about the young population of Timor-Leste and the policies the Government is introducing to capacitate youth and create training and employment opportunities. He noted that many of the g7+ countries had a similar challenge. He also took, this opportunity to thank him personally for his commitment, support and engagement throughout Timor-Leste’s peace building and state building endeavors.

Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon visited Timor-Leste in 2007 and 2012.

On Friday morning, after the address of His Holiness Pope Francis, the Summit for the adoption of the post-2015 Development Agenda begins. This Summit will be followed by the High Level Debate in the General Assembly, which begins on Monday the 28th of September.
