Timor-Leste makes an impact in Italy at Expo Milano 2015

On Tuesday, Timor-Leste celebrated its “National Day” at Expo Milano 2015 in Milan, Italy, with a special program including the participation of high-level delegation travelling from Díli. Each country at the Expo is designated a National Day, and because of it’s proximity to the day of the “Popular Consultation” the 1st of September was agreed as the day to highlight the culture, coffee and color of Timor-Leste.

EXPO 5 140x105 Timor Leste makes an impact in Italy at Expo Milano 2015

In the morning, after a traditional procession ending at Timor-Leste’s building in “the coffee cluster”, an official speech was given by the head of delegation, Minister of State and Presidency of the Council of Ministers,  Agio Pereira.

One hundred and forty five countries, three international organizations and many NGOs and ‘Non-Official’ representatives are participating in the Expo which opened its doors on the 1st of May. Timor-Leste’s exhibition building is in the “coffee cluster” of countries and its theme has been “The Tale of the Timorese Coffee Farmer.” Thousands of international visitors have been exposed to Timor-Leste and Timorese coffee through cultural performances, tais weaving, a photo exhibition and coffee tasting.

EXPO 4 140x105 Timor Leste makes an impact in Italy at Expo Milano 2015Joining Minister of State, Agio Pereira, in Milan was the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Hernâni Coelho, Minister of Finance, Santina Cardoso and the Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communications, Gastão Francisco Sousa. A number of members of National Parliament also participated.

The event has provided an opportunity to increase Timor-Leste’s visibility in the global arena and is expected to have a positive impact on tourism, trade and international partnership.

Expo Milano 2015 concludes on the 31st of October.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=13237