Prime Minister participates in Investment Seminar

The Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, returned to Dili on Saturday the 8th of August after a short working visit to Hong Kong. Central to the visit was his participation in an Investment Seminar facilitated by Timor-Leste’s Investment Advisory Board [IAB]. The seminar, held between the 4th and 6th of August was focused on the Investment of Timor-Leste’s Petroleum Fund.

The Prime Minister attended the seminar along with the Minister of Finance, Santina Cardoso, a delegation from the Ministry of Finance, members of the IAB and a team from Timor-Leste’s Central Bank.

The meeting in Hong Kong enabled the participation of financial experts and external fund managers with offices located in the region.

Information presented, shared and discussed at the seminar will assist the IAB to make sound recommendations to the Government on future investment strategies that with reasonable probability will give the best long-term risk-adjusted return.

The Prime Minister also took the opportunity during the visit to give interviews to major media outlets including Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal.
