Inauguration of three members of the Government

The swearing-in ceremony of three members of the Government, began at 9 a.m. on August 10th, at the Presidential Palace, in Aitarak-Laran, Dili.

António da Conceição, which until now assumed the ministerial office of Commerce, Industry and Environment, takes office as Minister of State, Coordinator of Social Affairs and Minister of Education. Constâncio da Conceição Pinto, former Vice Minister of Commerce, Industry and Environment, fills the position left vacant and becomes Minister of Commerce, Industry and Environment. As hisVice Minister is appointed Filipus Nino Pereira.

The decision was taken by the President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak, based on a proposal submitted by the Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo. The Head of the Executive consulted the parties that make up the Government, before sending the proposal to the Head of State.

This remodelling arises from the need to replace Fernando La Sama de Araújo, Minister of State, Coordinator of Social Affairs and Minister of Education, who died on June 2nd. Since then, the Vice Minister of Education, Dulce Jesus Soares, exercised provisionally the duties of Minister of Education.
