Celebrations of 40 years of FALINTIL

July 16th – September 2nd
Sports activities – FALINTIL Tournaments
Organized by Secretary of State Youth and Sports
Football, Motocross, Basketball, Volleyball, Futsal, Boxing, Marathon, Rowing, Rope pulling, Walking, Pole climbing

August 12th
Time: 8h00
Place: Auditorium of the Faculty of Education, Arts and Humanities Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL)
Seminar ’Love Nature’ – Organized by UNTL

August 15th
Camping by university students

University students meeting point
Place: Palácio do Governo
Time: 15h00

Camping by university students
Place: Motal Ulun, Díli

August 16th
Place: Aileu
“Historical Journey” walk with university students from Díli to Aileu (All day).
Ritual in Suku Liurai, Uma Lisan (Sacred House) Dom Bau-Meta (Morning and afternoon)

August 17th
Place: Aileu

Declaration of Armed Insurgency
08h00 – Reading of the “Declaration of Armed Insurgency”
08h15 – Raising of the Flag
08h25 – Speech by Dr. Mari Alkatiri
09h00 – Traditional dances and performances
12h00 – Lunch
17h00 – Flag Lowering
18h00 – Music
20h00 – Fireworks

August 18th
Sports activities • Night vigil
Place: Díli
07h00-11h00 – Walk from Largo Lecidere to Comoro roundabout • Arts and Crafts Fair in Centro de Convenções de Díli (until 22 August)
Night vigil by the children of the fallen heroes, in CCD.

August 19th
Conference • Mass • Tribute
March from Dili to Metinaro by the children of the fallen heroes (Morning)
09h00-11h00 Conference by FALINTIL authors, Dr. Marí Alkatiri and Rogério Lobato, CCD
14h00 – Mass at Dili Cathedral
16h00 – Participants leave to Metinaro for the Tribute at the Garden of Heroes

August 20th
Ceremony of the Day of FALINTIL in Tasi-Tolo
08h30 – Military parade
09h00 – Arrival of President and VIPs to Taci-Tolo and Military Honors
09h15 – Raising of the Flag
09h30 – Minute of Silence
• Ceremony of condecoration, promotion and retirement of F-FDTL cadre:
• Presentation of Commemorative Plaques
• Speech by the President of the Republic
• F-FDTL Parade
12h00 – Sports activities
16h00 – Parade by Veterans of the Resistance
17h00 – Flag Lowering
17h30 – Symbolic presentation of Special Identification Cards to Veterans 15-24 years
18h00 – Cultural night
19h30 – Dinner
00h00 – Fireworks

August 21st
Extra program at Archive and Museum of the Timorese Resistance
08h30 – Guests arrival
09h00 – Traditional Ritual
10h00 – Groundbreaking ceremony of the “Eternal Flame”
url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=12968