Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of June 30th 2015

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Dili, June 30th, 2015

Press Release

Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of June 30th 2015

The Council of Ministers met extraordinarily this Tuesday, June 30th 2015, at the Council of Ministers’ meeting room, in the Government Palace, in Díli, and approved:

1. Decree law that establishes the Media Council and approves its Statutes

The Law for Media, published last November, considers the establishment of the Media Council and determined that its Statutes were approved by a decree-law.

One of the objectives within the Fourth Constitutional Government Program is the creation of an independent administrative entity – the Media Council – that guarantees the media its independence from the political and economic power. It must also ensure the fulfilment of conditions to access and exercise journalist activities, and verify the professional and ethical conduct of journalists and other players within the media sector.

The Statutes were drafted based on the Media Law and the legal framework of other public institutions in Timor-Leste. The sharing of experiences with other media regulators in other countries, with which Timor-Leste has a Legislative proximity, was taken into consideration. This guide, for the activity of the first Media Council of the country, is clear, practical and at the same time, comprehensive and flexible, so that it can monitor the development of the activity over time.

The Statutes provide the Media Council with the means to develop its important responsibilities in order to allow the Timorese media sector to develop itself in an ethical, professional, free and independent way.

2. Government Resolution that approves the concession of Financial Support to São Tomé e Príncipe

The Government has approved the allocation of a total of USD 333,000.00 (three hundred and thirty three thousand American dollars) to São Tomé e Príncipe, under the scope of the Cooperation Agreement signed with that country during the CPLP Summit, in July last year. This agreement created a technical framework of cooperation for the consolidation of peace and stability of the rule of law in both countries.

The attributed sum is intended to support the development of the justice and service sectors.

The regulation of ports tariffs in Timor-Leste does not foresee the possibility to exempt, reduce or authorise a phased payment of amounts due regarding port tariffs.

The present alteration to this diploma allows the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communication (which is the institution responsible for the Ports) to authorise the phased or partial payment of debts, as well as the reduction or extension of port tariffs, in exceptional and duly justified situations, and after consultation with the institution responsible for finance.

4. First alteration to Decree-Law no. 4/2012, of 15 February, on Planning of Integrated Municipal Development

This diploma ensures the establishment of a transitory legal regime, which safeguards the continuity of the execution of projects in Planning of Integrated Municipal Development – PIMD. It also guarantees a sound coordination between the Ministry of Planning and Strategic Investment, the current responsible entity for its execution, and the Ministry of State Administration, which is responsible for municipal administration, until the conclusion of the evaluation of the program and approval of the new legal framework. The need to establish this transitory legal regime appears after the approval of the Fourth Constitutional Government Organic Law, which attributes the coordination and development of the PIMD to the Ministry of Planning and Strategic Investment, a responsibility that was, up to now, under the Ministry of State Administration.

According to its program, the Sixth Constitutional Government intends to proceed with a profound evaluation of the PNDS and, if justified, to proceed with its cancelling, awaiting the end of the process that establishes the municipalities. However, there are still several projects financed by PNDS which are in the execution phase or have contracts signed with the State. It was thus necessary to harmonise the legal framework of this Program with the new government organic structure, to ensure the continuity of projects that are underway.


At this meeting the Council of Ministers also analysed:

The Support Mission to the electoral process of Guiné-Bissau, created in 2013 to provide assistance in organising and carrying out the registration and implementation of the electoral process, last year, in the above-mentioned country, has had recognised merit and success. Therefore, the Government of Timor-Leste received requests for support in carrying out identical processes in other States, namely in the Republic of São Tomé e Príncipe.

The Minister of State Administration, through the Vice Minister of State Administration, presented, to the Council of Ministers, a proposal to establish a support mission to the electoral process of São Tomé e Príncipe, which was accepted in general, and where the Government awaits a detailed proposal.

The Council of Ministers analysed the terms of a cooperation protocol that the Ministry of Tourism, Art and Culture of Timor-Leste intends to propose to its counterpart Ministries, during the Seventh Meeting of the Ministers of Tourism of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (Portuguese acronym: CPLP), which will take place in July, in Díli. These agreements foresee collaboration between Timor-Leste and the remaining countries of the CPLP, in terms of technical assistance and human resource training, in the tourism area.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=12624