Senior Timorese leaders lead International Family Day Parade

On May 16th, the Prime Minister, Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo, and the President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak, led a march in order to commemorate the International Family Day, internationally celebrated on May 15th. At the occasion, both were accompanied by their wives.

This day, specifically aimed at families, was already celebrated worldwide, but it happened for the first time in Timor-Leste, and it was due to an initiative by the First Lady. The family may, marking the day, went from the Presidential Palace up until Lecidere’s Square.

On his speech, Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo spoke about the education of children within the family context and regarding the gender equality issue; he also defended that the most effective method to educate children on that issue is by giving them the example: “We can speak a lot theoretically, but the best lesson, through which our children can learn better, is our own example.”

On the occasion, the Head of the Executive expresses his good wishes for the happiness of the Timorese families, by wishing them to live with love and faithfulness, not only on May 15th, but from January 1st up until December 31st.

As for parents, the Prime Minister has called on them to be an example to children, on what concerns domestic tasks distribution, either between husband and wife or between children: “Equality must begin within the family itself, if we wish to terminate with inequality on our society. In terms of equality and children’s rights, the father, by being the head of the family, must quickly abandon the bad example, still used on rural areas, of prioritizing the studies for boys, not letting girls to carry on studying on the highest levels.” Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo urged husbands to quickly change these behaviours, aiming the prosperity of Timorese families.

The Head of the Executive highlighted that the Government will carry on supporting the annual celebration of this Day, by giving instruction to the Ministry of State Administration in order to also organize the event within the Municipalities, with activities including not only the family parade but also general cleaning.
