Resistance Museum displays unique heritage

The Timorese Resistance Archive and Museum holds, until July 3rd, an exhibition called “A Unique Heritage – National Archives of Timor-Leste”. This is a sample of the Collection of National Archive of Timor-Leste and of the work that this institution develops to preserve and disclose documentary collections.ExpoAMRT 5 PG2 Resistance Museum displays unique heritage

The exhibition, which is part of a series of ongoing events in Díli, under the CPLP Second Civil Society Forum, was opened on the International Day of the Archives (June 9th, 2015) by the Minister of State, Coordinating Minister of State Administration Affairs and Justice, Dionísio Babo, in the presence of the Portuguese Ambassador, Manuel de Jesus, and the Brazilian Ambassador, José Amir Dornelles.ExpoAMRT 2 PG1 Resistance Museum displays unique heritage

Sponsored by the Civil Society Support Fund from the Prime Minister’s Office and jointly organized by the Resistance Museum and the National Archives, this exhibition aims to contribute to the preservation and dissemination of the national historical memory and also to contribute divulging Timorese history among the Member States of the CPLP (Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries).

ExpoAMRT 9 PG4 Resistance Museum displays unique heritageThe Museum and the National Archives are partners in the preservation and dissemination of the national historical memory. By knowing the duty of the archives, civil society can support the national effort to safeguard the documentation. Bringing together resources seeks to ensure compliance with the targets set by the Timorese Government in the Strategic Development Plan (SDP) 2011-2030, which states that “the real ExpoAMRT 8 PG3 Resistance Museum displays unique heritagewealth of any nation is the strength of its people.”
