Meeting of the Council of Ministers from June 23rd, 2015

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Dili, June 23rd, 2015

 Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers from June 23rd, 2015

The Council of Ministers met this Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015, in the Council of Ministers’ meeting room, at the Government Palace in Dili, and approved:

1. Decree-Law establishing the organic structure of the Ministry of the Interior

This Decree-Law defines the organic structure, the decentralization of powers of the Ministry of the Interior and the reorganization of the central services that were under the direction, supervision or oversight of the Secretariat of State of Security of the Fifth Constitutional Government. The main concept of this law is to strengthen the structure of the National Security in the areas of Internal Security and Civil Protection.

It provides, as innovations, the creation of the National Directorate of Road Safety and the National Civil Protection Authority.

The organic structure of the Ministry of the Interior reflects a rational, effective, efficient, solid and stable structure, while at the same time, ambitious, committed to professional and qualified human resources. It seeks to respond to the real application needs and strengthening of Internal Security and Civil Protection policies, key areas for National Security in Timor-Leste.

2. Decree-Law establishing the organic structure of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture

The Ministry of Tourism, according to the Organic Structure of the Sixth Constitutional Government is the central Government body responsible for the design, implementation, coordination and evaluation of the policies of the areas of tourism, art and culture, defined and approved by the Council of Ministers.

The duties and powers that have responded efficiently and effectively to the requirements requested either by the Ministry’s policy or the wishes of those who want to invest in tourism in Timor-Leste remain unchanged in essence.

3. Decree-Law establishing the organic structure of the Ministry of Planning and Strategic Investment

The Ministry of Planning and Strategic Investment, according to the Organic Structure of the Sixth Constitutional Government is the central Government body responsible for the design, coordination and evaluation of policies in the areas of economic and social development promotion of the country, defined and approved by the Council of Ministers. Its action manifests itself through strategic and integrated planning and rationalization of available financial resources, taking specific responsibilities in implementing the Strategic Development Plan.

This Decree-Law establishes the organic structure of the new Ministry, in order to promote the efficiency of the bodies and services of direct administration and bodies of the indirect administration of the Ministry of Planning and Strategic Investment. This Decree-Law assigns them the necessary competencies for the development of policies in the areas of their authority, which are included in the Program of the Sixth Constitutional Government and in the Ministry’s Activity Plan.

4. Proposed Agreement between the Holy See and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

The Council of Ministers reviewed the latest proposed agreement between the Holy See and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, under negotiation between the two States since 2009 on the Concordat. The conclusions that were reached at this meeting will be communicated to the Holy See, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.


The Council of Ministers addressed also the following matters:

1. Presentation of the Budget Cap for 2016

The Ministry of Finance submitted to the Council of Ministers several scenarios that point to the sustainability of budget implementation, taking into account the ongoing projects, new projects and possible contingencies. The scenarios studied for next year aim to guide ministries in the preparation of their annual plans and budgets.

This presentation follows on from the Budget Conference (“Jornadas Orçamentais”), a seminar held in May, with members of the National Parliament and the Government, general directors, national directors, other senior officials of the state and employees of public corporations and autonomous agencies, to prepare the State budget for 2016.

In preparing next year’s budget several factors are being taken into account, namely the Strategic Development Plan (SDP), the Government’s program, budget execution, inflation and fiscal sustainability.

2. Celebrations of the 40th anniversary of FALINTIL

In compliance with the Order of the Prime Minister of June 3rd, establishing the organizing committee for the celebrations of the Day of Timor-Leste’s Defence Force (Portuguese acronym: F-FDTL), the Council of Ministers reviewed and discussed the budget to be allocated to the realization of the celebrations of the 40th anniversary of FALINTIL, on August 20th. It was also analysed and defined the relationship between the organizing committee and the relevant ministries for the organization of events.
