Funeral mass on behalf of Fernando La Sama de Araújo

The Bishop from the Diocese of Maliana, D. Norberto Amaral, presided over the funeral mass of Fernando La Sama de Araújo, Coordinating Minister of Social Affairs and Minister of Education of the Sixth Constitutional Government, at the Díli Cathedral. The widow, Jacqueline Siapo and La Sama’s son, Lírio Aquino Hadomi Araújo, together with a crowd of Catholics, also participated at the ceremony, on Friday, June 5th, 2015.

At the homily, the Bishop reminded that the word of God is like gold for believers. “I have risen and I am life. Those who believe, do not die”, he quoted, referring to the word of God.

As humans, in this world, we always face two issues, death and life. “Sometimes, life gives us satisfaction and joy; death brings sorrow and tears to the family. We can’t get away or hide away from any of these circumstances. They are both two realities and two mysteries”, said the Bishop.

And he added that, as humans have a limited intelligence, they don’t know what to expect in life. It is God who can solve the mystery. “God is the king of life. He wants humanity alive and to continue to develop according to his teachings”, explained the Bishop, who, like the deceased, was born in Ainaro. The human being, therefore, has to face with courage, life and death, not knowing when God comes.

Talking about the struggle of Fernando La Sama, the Bishop said that he had already provided his contribution throughout his life: “Today, we remember again what he did since he was a child and until his death. La Sama had a grand dream and fought with courage. La Sama wanted to hug the mountain, but how? Some succeeded, others did not.”

La Sama was a founder for the Partido Democrático (in English Democratic Party) – PD (Portuguese acronym), by having taken the responsibility of President of the National Parliament during a parliamentary term. After he was appointedVice Prime Minister and, more recently, Minister of Education.

The people of Timor-Leste thanked the fight of La Sama. His dream is immortal for the new generations of this nation.

Ainaro has lost a good son. “We thank God for the deeds of La Sama, including the example for the new generations. The dreams which he failed to perform will be continued by the new generations”, said the Bishop.

Then, he requested everyone for their forgiveness to La Sama for his sins and asked to pray for his soul, for him to have a seat at the right hand of God the Father.

The President of National Parliament, Vicente Guterres, the President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak, and his wife, Isabel Ferreira, the Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, and his wife, Members of the National Parliament, Members of the Government and of other sovereignty bodies, as well as guests took part in the ceremony.
