Prime Minister on the ground breaking ceremony for the new Church of São José Ai-Mutin

The Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, laid the foundation stone for the construction of the new Church of São José, Ai-Mutin, on Thursday, May 28th , in Díli. With a design that combines culture and modernity, this church can accommodate about 1,200 Christians.

“On behalf of the government, I wanted to congratulate you all, as your wishes to build a large church were fulfilled,” said the Prime Minister to the commission for the construction of this new church.

The project of São José, Ai-Mutin had funds from the Civil Society Fund, under the direct supervision of the Office of the Prime Minister.

Rui de Araújo also highlighted that the Government invests money in the construction and rehabilitation of churches, not looking only at the economic aspect, but also the moral and social aspects.

“If we want our people to be more productive in 10, 20 or 50 years, the investment should be started now. The investments are made not only on roads, schools or health centres, but also in churches and public spaces that do not benefit only one or two people, but all Timorese Christians, in the spiritual, moral and social aspects” said the Head of Government.

Rui Maria de Araújo also recalled that the Church, Catholicism and Portuguese Language were introduced in Timor 500 years ago; therefore religion is unique and different from the other nations [of the region] and this is part of the Timorese identity, “Therefore, these investments in the Church are also investments in our identity.

At the same time, the Prime Minister asked the organizing committee of the construction of the new church of São José of Ai-Mutin for it to be made with quality standards ensuring a lasting existence.
