The President and Commissioners of Civil Service were sworn into office by the Prime Minister

The President and Commissioners of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) were sworn in into office by the Prime Minister, Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo, in the Noble Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, in Díli on May 29th 2015.

The new sworn in members are Dr. Faustino Cardoso Gomes, Commissioner and President; Dra. Maria Domingas Alves, Commissioner; Dra. Jacinta Bernardo, Commissioner; Dra. Maria Olandina Caeiro Alves, Commissioner; and Dr. José Telo Soares Cristóvão, Commissioner.

“Today, I swear into office the new President and Commissioner of the Civil Service Commission, as the body responsible to ensure more professionalism in the Administration and ensure the provision of quality State services to all citizens,” highlighted the Prime Minister. ” For the future and for five years, the commissioners are committed to serve and defend the nation and the people of Timor-Leste.”

The Prime Minister also stated that the Government has every confidence in the new members and is sure that they will perform their duties diligently, impartially, fair and free of political interests.

The Head of Government also highlighted that the reforms of the Public Administration are a priority for the Sixth Constitutional Government, in order to improve the delivery of services to the population.

“The reforms mean progress, to achieve a more prosperous and efficient Civil Service with rigor and quality with responsibility and reduction of bureaucracy. This is the commitment that we are taking”, said the Prime Minister.

The Civil Service Commission began in 2009. It was created to enhance the capacity of the Public Administration and to ensure that the public sector is based on merit, following a professional model to provide services to people with quality and efficiency with an economic and effective management.

The Commission also manages the PMIS system [Project Management Information System - information system for project management], a database that is very important because it contains personal and professional information of all civil servants.

Currently, the total number of state workers is nearly 32,000. The Sixth Constitutional Government suspended the recruitment of permanent staff and initiated the revision of the legal framework, including the Civil Service Law and the Civil Service Statute, together with the Civil Service Commission and leaders in the area of human resources.

On the same occasion, the Prime Minister also thanked the former President of the CSC, Eng. Libório Pereira, and all the Commissioners that have finished their duties, for their contribution in the previous Commission.

The new sworn members, the Head of Government expressed “wishes of success in the exercise of their duties” and stated that he is “sure they will be a good example for creating development in our country.”

Rui Maria de Araújo also thanked the technical support in terms of training given by Australia, Portugal and Brazil.
