Prime Minister pays a visit to the General State Inspectorate

The Prime Minister of the RDTL, Rui Maria de Araújo, went on May 11th, to the facilities of the General State Inspectorate (GSI), to assess the functioning of this institution.

The GSI in a Supreme independent institution, responsible for control and supervision of the Public Administration of Timor-Leste, and is authorized to conduct audits, inspections and investigations on the use of public resources, with the aim of ensuring transparency and legality of the operations of the Government.

Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo stressed the importance of the internal control system in GSI with the State institutions, aiming to ensure the proper functioning of the state mechanism.

“The control system of our State is still conditioned, so today I am visiting this body, to continue to develop it and fortify it.”

The Head of the Executive added that the national control system was designed in order to check the effective and efficient mode of operation of public organizations, to accurately control the reports and check on the compliance with the rules and procedures established by the institutions.

During the visit, the Inspector-General, Francisco de Carvalho, gave a presentation on the draft decree-law on the national system of internal control.

The Prime Minister has shown himself impressed by the national internal control system developed by GSI, by providing them with instructions in order to strengthen the cooperation with the Prime Minister’s Office.
