Prime Minister praises book on the contribution of RENETIL towards independence

The Prime Minister, Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo, participated in the launch of the book on the history of the National Resistance of Timor-Leste Students (RENETIL) on May 22nd, in the Timorese Resistance Archive and Museum, in Díli.

The book, “RENETIL at the National Liberation struggle: Rather without title than without a country”, by Carlos da Silva Lopes, Saky, one of the founders of that movement. This work describes the beginning of RENETIL, the strengthening of the Resistance fronts – armed, clandestine and diplomatic – and the dissemination of the Timorese struggle in Indonesia and in the world.

Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo, on behalf of the Government, congratulated the initiative of Saky and hopes “that the descriptions given by the companions, may contribute to a greater variety of information about the historical facts, so that future generations may continue to bear in mind the pride, patriotism and other important values, which we, as a people, have and are part of our history”.

During the ceremony, the Head of the Executive has issued a challenge to the witnesses of the history of Timor-Leste Resistance present at the launch, to follow the example of the author of the book and start experiencing the “memories of the trenches”.

From the point of view of the Government, the Prime Minister highlighted that, as time progresses, it is necessary the people preserve their memories.
