Sovereign bodies present at the funeral, pay tribute to the late “La Sama”

The leaders of the organs of sovereignty of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste attended the funeral and paid tribute to the late Fernando La Sama de Araújo, on March 3rd, 2015, at his official residence, in ‘Farol’, Díli. The Coordinating Minister of Social Affairs and Minister of Education passed away on Tuesday morning, June 2nd, 2015, in the Guido Valadares National Hospital in Díli.Velorio PG 300x200 Sovereign bodies present at the funeral, pay tribute to the late “La Sama”

At the funeral, which started at 3 p.m., the above-mentioned leaders and State officials entered the residence, following a previously defined schedule.

The first tribute was paid by the Presidency of the Republic, led by President Taur Matan Ruak, accompanied by his wife and officials; the National Parliament attended the ceremony, headed by its President and accompanied by Parliament members and officials.

The Courts participated in the funeral, led by the President of the Court of Appeal, Guilherme da Silva, followed by his officials. The Government appeared headed by Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araújo, accompanied by members of the Executive and officials. The visit ended at 7 p.m.

Velorio 2 PG 300x201 Sovereign bodies present at the funeral, pay tribute to the late “La Sama”In addition to State bodies, representatives of the command of Falintil – Timor-Leste Defence Force and of the National Police of Timor-Leste were also present at the funeral to pay their respects.

On June 4th, it was the turn of the diplomatic corps, international organizations, veterans and former combatants, students of various levels of education, political parties, religious confessions, civil society and the general public to participate in the funeral.

The funeral took place on Friday, June 5th, with the following program: the deceased left his residence towards the Ministry of Education; Requiem Mass in the Díli Cathedral; the deceased left for the National Parliament for a last tribute and a posthumous decoration by the President of the Republic; finally, the funeral was held in the Garden of the National Heroes in Metinaro, Díli, which started at 4 p.m.
