2015 Timor-Leste & Development Partners Meeting

“Consolidating Institutions, Transitioning Towards Resilience”

Date: June 4th
Place: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

09:00 – 18:25 Bilateral Meetings chaired by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and Ministry of Finance

Date: June 6th

07:45-08:00 Participants’ Arrival and Registration
08:00-08:05 Singing of the National Anthem
08:05-08:15 Traditional Dance
08:15- 08:30 Welcome Remarks

• Hernâni Coelho, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
• Helder Lopes, Acting Minister of Finance

08:30-08:55 Keynote Address
Prime Minister, Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste, Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo

08:55-09:10 Presentation: Timor-Leste and Post 2015 Development Agenda, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Hernâni Coelho

09:10-09:40 Keynote Address: Moving from Peacebuilding to Statebuilding: Past, Present, and Future Challenges, Minister Mentor and Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão
Strengthening Institutions through Reforms

09:40-10:55 Presentation: Roadmap to Bolster Timor-Leste’s Economic Sector
Presenter: Minister of Finance Interim (Topic: Fiscal Reform, including Revenue, Expenditure, and Economic Reforms), Helder Lopes
Moderator: General Secretary of g7+, Helder da Costa+
Commentators (or Panel of Reactors):
Representative from Parliament, Commission C
Donor Representation (ADB and World Bank)
CSO Representation (Lao Hamutuk)
Private Sector Representation

10:55-12:35 Presentation: Reinforcing Legislative and Judiciary Frameworks, and Public Administration
Presenter: Minister of State, Coordinating Minister of State Administration Affairs and Justice and Minister of State Administration, H.E. Dionísio Babo Soares
Topic: Public Administration Reform
Presenter: Minister of State, Coordinating Minister of State Administration Affairs and Justice and Minister of State Administration, H.E. Dionísio Babo Soares, replacing Minister of State and Presidency of the Council of Ministers (Topic: Legislative Harmonization and Judiciary Reform), Agio Pereira
Moderator: Former Secretary of State for Security, Francisco Guterres
Commentators (or Panel of Reactors):
Representative from National Parliament, Commission A
Donor Representation (UNDP & European Union)
CSO representative (JSMP)
Private Sector Representation

12:35-13:35 Lunch
13:35-14:50 Presentation: Improving the Social Sector & Social Audit
Moderator: Former Minister of Social Solidarity, Domingas Fernandes Alves
Commentators (or Panel of Reactors):
Representative from National Parliament, Commission F
Donor Representation (Government of Australia & United States Government)
CSO Representative (ADTL)
Private Sector Representation

14:50-15:20 ZEEMS: Innovation of Development to accelerate the SDPs, Former Prime Minister and President of ZEEMS, Mari Alkatiri

15:20-16:35 Presentation: Exiting Fragility and Moving Towards Resilience: Views From Selected g7+ Countries and Official Launching of the New Deal Assessment
Moderator: Deputy General Secretary of g7+ Secretariat, Habib Mayar
With Participation from Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, The Central African Republic, Florence Limbio, and g7+ Focal Points from Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea Bissau, South Sudan, and The Solomon Islands, and Côte d’Ivoire

Official Launching of the New Deal Assessment: General Secretary of the g7+ Secretariat, Helder da Costa, and Director of Development Partnership Management Unit, Ministry of Finance, Cancio de Jesus Oliveira

16:35-16:45: Statistic Data Revolution and Impact of Post 2015 Development Agenda , Director General of Statistics, Ministry of Finance, Antonio Freitas & Launching of 2013 Timor-Leste National Account by, Acting Minister of Finance, Helder Lopes

16:45-17:15 Closing Remarks, Prime Minister, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, Dr. Rui Mario de Araújo

19:00-21:00 Reception for Delegations hosted by Prime Minister, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, Dr. Rui Mario de Araújo

Venue: Dili Convention Center
url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=12227