Fernando La Sama de Araújo has passed away

The Minister of State, Coordinating Minister of Social Affairs and Minister of Education, Dr. Fernando La Sama de Araújo, has passed away today, June 2nd, 2015, at 8:30 a.m., in the Guido Valadares National Hospital, in Díli.

This morning, in an extraordinary meeting, the Council of Ministers decreed a period of National Mourning which will take place up to 12 a.m. of June 5th, and has decided to propose, to the President of the Republic, to attribute him a posthumous decoration.

The government has expressed its deepest regret for the loss of one of its members and fulfilled a minute of silence, during the meeting, in his honour.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=12194