Prime Minister publishes “Snapshot of The First 100 Days in Office”

The Prime Minister, Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo, presented, on May 28th, the “Snapshot of the first 100 days in Office” of the VI Constitutional Government, which began on February 16th. The report was presented during a press conference held at the Government Palace, in Díli.

The Prime Minister informed the journalists that the report on the activities of the 100 days in office incorporates four sections of the Government Program: Development of the Social Sector, Development of the Infrastructural Sector, Development of the Economic Sector and Development of the Governance Sector. During the presentation, the Head of the Executive highlighted a few important topics in each of the sections.

On Social Development, in particular for the health sector, Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo highlighted some progress, particularly with the release of the “Primary Health Care Guide”, through which the aim is to ensure the right to healthcare for all Timorese citizens. In the area of Education, he highlighted the training of 8421 teachers on the new curriculum for Preschool and Basic Education.

Regarding Infrastructural Development, he emphasized the assessment made, by the National Development Agency, to 35 proposals, amounting to 85.6 million USD, which, after analysis, was reduced to 55.7 Million, a savings to the state of about 29.9 Million USD. The Prime Minister added that infrastructure development continues, particularly in regards to road construction.

Within the scope of Economic Development, he highlighted the laying of the foundation stone of the Buluto irrigation project and the opening of training centres, technical schools and the Seed Production Centre. The Prime Minister also highlighted the solid waste processing project for energy, which will create 300 jobs and help with waste management across the country.

On Governance Development, he stressed on a few important aspects, such as the reform of public administration and the review of some of the legal frameworks, as well as the appointment of Faustino Cardoso as President for the Civil Service Commission.

During the press conference, the signing of a memorandum between the Government and the Forum of Non-Governmental Organizations (FNGOTIL), for the establishment of a Social Auditing was also focused on. The Prime Minister mentioned that 1.8 Million USD from the Human Capital Development Fund were available for grants and training programs.

The Budget Journeys were also mentioned, where national priorities and the corresponding budgetary allocations for 2016 and 2017 have been set.

Rui Maria de Araújo also highlighted a significant milestone in the 100 days in office, a parallel with the second phase of Timor-Leste’s liberation struggle: reclaiming of national sovereignty based on the order of the International Court of Justice, where Australia was ordered to return the documents seized from lawyers representing Timor-Leste in Canberra. To the Prime Minister, this decision was a major victory for our country, because it reaffirms the acknowledgement of national sovereignty and confirms that the interference in communications between a sovereign country and their attorneys is not tolerable.

During these 100 days, the Government also established a Council for the Delimitation of Maritime Boundaries, appointed a General Director for the Maritime Boundaries Office and took decisions that allow to move forward with the arbitration process, already suspended for seven months.
