Prime Minister signs agreement with 19 Civil Society organizations

The Sixth Constitutional Government, through Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, signed on April 27, a contract with 19 Timorese civil society organizations, in a total of 30 proposals presented to the Prime Minister’s Office. The objective of this agreement is to promote the participation of this group of institutions and organizations in all sectors, to increase the well-being of the people of Timor-Leste.

During his speech, the Head of the Government recalled that this initiative began in the Fourth Constitutional Government and that during 8 years, the State did not evaluate its impact.

Until 2016, the Government will make a full assessment of the support provided to civil society.

Although it involves multiple components, this financial support focuses on two key areas: the productive sector and the sector of consumption.

The Prime Minister stressed that the money is coming from the State, meaning it belongs to all, from the people to civil society. Its use has to be done in a responsible manner and the results must be beneficial to all.

The Head of the Government exemplified with a previous meeting with public officials where he said that if a person is corrupt, he will be stealing from himself, not from others.

“The money belongs to us all. If we steal, we steal from ourselves and shoot ourselves in the foot.”

Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo congratulated the institutions and organizations that were accepted on the basis of proposals submitted, adding that he will remain in constant cooperation and dialog to better serve the people of Timor-Leste.

At the end, the Prime Minister invited civil society to participate in the “Social Auditing”, a program promoted by his Office. The objective is to monitor the process of implementation of the Government program in various areas, such as security, economy and infrastructure. In order to improve the mechanisms of support to the development process, the Government needs the opinions, criticisms and analyses from civil society organizations.
