Prime Minister participates in the National Seminar on Preventing and Fighting Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing

Prime Minister, Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo, participated, on April 29th, in the National Seminar on Preventing and Fighting Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, held in the Noble hall of the Ministry of Social Solidarity, in Caicoli, Díli.

 Money laundering is a process of illicit concealing of certain financial assets or property, transforming them into assets from an apparent lawful origin without, however, revealing its origin or ownership.

The Head of Government stressed the importance of this Seminar for Timor-Leste, whose institutions are still at the stage of construction and consolidation.

“Fragile nations are preferential targets for the practice of this type of crime,” he said. ”The seminar enables us to increase our knowledge on these subjects and to share the work that has been done and the challenges still ahead in our operational areas.” continues.

 The Prime Minister pointed out that legitimate business and investment are the ones that contribute to the sustainability of a social security system and to the prosperity of the State. With regard to corruption and money laundering, the Government rejects them completely.

“In truth, Timor-Leste wants to attract investors, not money launderers”, added the Prime Minister.

Rui Araújo stated that the position of the Sixth Constitutional Government on preventing and fighting money laundering is a zero-tolerance policy, as this puts into question the fundamental values of our society – democracy, solidarity, justice and internal security.

Thus, it is reaffirmed the commitment of the Sixth Government to continue the efforts made so far, in order to protect the nation and the people of Timor-Leste .

The Prime Minister asked the Government, judicial bodies, such as the Attorney-General’s Office, financial institutions and other relevant organizations, to work in close cooperation, in order to implement an effective system to fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
