13th Meeting of CPLP Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs “The extension of Social Protection to all and relation with the Labour market, promoting Development and the fight against Poverty”

Technical Meetings
Date: April 27th
Location: Ministry of Social Solidarity

08h30m-10h00m: CPLP Monitoring Group on Indicators for Vocational Training (under the coordination of the Ministry of Public Administration, Employment and Social Security of Angola): Presentation of results and situation update.

08h30m-10h00m: Technical Meeting on CIPS (coordination by STP from RMTAS, SECPLP and ILO): update on work

10h15m-11h30m: Monitoring Group on Indicators of the Labour Market and Informal Economy (under the coordination of the Ministry of Labour and Employment of the Federative Republic of Brazil): Presentation of results and situation update.

10h15m-11h30m: Monitoring Group on Programs in the field of Social Integration in the CPLP (under the coordination of the Ministry of Social Security of the Federative Republic of Brazil): Presentation of results and situation update

11h45m-13h00m: Information about the project on the Defence and Promotion of the Rights of People with Disabilities (under coordination of Brazil and SECPLP): Presentation of results and situation update.

11h45m-13h00m: Technical Meeting on Child Labour (under coordination of STP from RMTAS, SECPLP and ILO): Presentation of results and situation update.

11h45m-13h00m: Monitoring Group “Harmonization of public policies that take into account the transversal dimensions of Social Protection as a contribution to the increase of Food Security in CPLP” (under coordination of the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Women and Social Action of Mozambique): Presentation of results and situation update.

14h30m-16h00m: Technical Meeting on Multilateral Convention of Social Security of CPLP (under coordination of STP from RMTAS, SECPLP and ILO): Presentation of results and situation update.

14h30m-16h00m: Meeting of Focal Points for Health, Hygiene and Safety at Work (HHSW) of CPLP, for consideration and final definition of proposal of the CPLP HHSW Strategic Plan, to be submitted to the XIII RMTAS of CPLP.

16h15m-18h15m: Technical Meeting for consideration and definition of proposal for final text of the Action Plan and the Declaration of Díli, to submit to the XIII RMTAS of CPLP.

Specialized Technical Panels
Date: 28 April
Location: Noble Hall, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

08h00m: Welcoming of participants
08h30m: Opening Session
• Speech by H.E. the Secretary of State for Vocational Training and Employment (SEPFOPE)
• Speech by H.E. the Minister of Social Solidarity (MSS)
• Speech by H.E. Representative of the Executive Secretary of CPLP
• Opening Speech by H.E. the Minister of State, Coordinator of Social Affairs and Education.

09h30m: Panel 1 – Poverty, Social Protection and Labour Market
Moderator: Dr. Roque Rodrigues
• Welfare and Poverty: prevent and combat poverty – Ilcheong Yi, UNRISD
• Active Policies of Employment – Owais Parray, ILO
• Social Protection, Social Security and Employment Policies – Ilcheong Yi, UNRISD

11H15m: Panel 1 – Poverty, Social Protection and the Labour Market (continued)
• Intervention in Angola
• Intervention of Cape Verde
• Intervention of São Tomé and Príncipe
• Debate

14h30m: Panel 2 – Social Policies and Social Inclusion
Moderator: Dr. Zacarias da Costa
• The role of conditional social transfers on the promotion of social inclusion and on the fight against poverty – Luisa Guimarães, ILO
• Social Protection, Social Inclusion and Disabilities: including the issues of disability in Social Protection programs
• Presentation by Timor-Leste – Carmen Cruz (pilot experience Bolsa Mãe)
• Intervention of Guinea-Bissau (Policy of inclusion of disability)

16h15m: Panel 2 -Social Policies and Social Inclusion (continued)
• Vocational Training and Employment: strategies for social inclusion in active life – Frank Wood
• The fight against Child labour: experience of Timor-Leste – Eliana Pereira
• Debate

18h15m: End of first day of Technical Panels working sessions

Specialized Technical Panels
Date: April 29
Location: Noble Hall, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

08h30m: Welcoming of Participants
09h00m: Panel 3 – Construction of social minimums
Moderator: Dr. Maria Domingas Alves
• The importance and sustainability of the Basic Level of Social Protection – Luísa Guimarães, ILO
• The relation between minimum pension and minimum wage – Prof. Carlos Farinha Rodrigues, ISEG/UL
• Presentation by Portugal – Social Emergency Program in the fight against poverty and social inequality – Odete Severino
• Presentation by Timor-Leste – Leoneto Faria

10h45m: Panel 3 – Construction of social minimums (continued)
• Debate

14h00m: Panel 4 – Social Protection and informal sector
Moderator: Dr. Rui Gomes
• Extension of Social Protection to workers in the informal sector of the Economy – António Francisco, Faculty of Economy / Eduardo Mondlane University
• Presentation by Mozambique – Extend Social Protection to workers in the informal market: the experience of Mozambique
• Presentation by Brazil – Extend Social Protection to workers in the informal market: the experience of Brazil
• Debate

16h15m: Panel 5 – Construction of the Social Security System
Moderator: Dr. Eugénio Soares

• System of Protection and Social Security (in construction) in Timor-Leste – Vitor da Costa, former Secretary of State for Social Security
• Intervention of Cape Verde – Scheme of Social Security Contributions: the case of Cape Verde
• Debate

17h00m: End of the 2nd day of technical panels- Closing Session
• Speech of H.E. the Secretary of State for Employment Policy and Vocational Training (SEPFOPE)
• Speech of H.E. the Minister of Social Solidarity (MSS)
• Speech of H.E. Representative of the Executive Secretary of CPLP
• Closing Speech by H.E. the Minister of State, coordinator of Economic Affairs and Agriculture.

18h00m-20h00: Technical Meeting for consideration and definition of proposed final text of the Action Plan and the Declaration of Díli, to submit to the XIII RMTAS of CPLP

XII Meeting of the Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs of the CPLP
Date: April 30
Location: Noble Hall, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

08h30m: Welcoming of Participants

09h00m: Opening ceremony

• Speech by H.E. the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

09h35m: Presentation and approval of the Agenda (Mozambique)

10h00m: Assessment of the analyses on the implementation of the Declaration and Action Plan of the 12th RMTAS of CPLP/Maputo (presentation by Mozambique and discussion)

11h15m: Official hand-over of the Presidency from Mozambique to Timor-Leste

11h40m: Debate on “the extension of Social Protection to all and relation with the Labour market, promoting Sustainable Development and the fight against Poverty”

15h00m: Interventions by the Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs of the CPLP, or their representatives
• Angola
• Brazil
• Cape Verde
• Guinea-Bissau (Two interventions)
• Mozambique

16h15m: Interventions by the Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs of the CPLP, or their representatives (continued)
• Mozambique
• Portugal
• São Tomé and Príncipe
• Timor-Leste MSS
• Timor-Leste SEPFOPE

17h15m: Presentation of the Action Plan and the Declaration of Tíbar, from the XIII RMTAS of CPLP (Timor-Leste)

18h15m: End of first day of Technical Panels working sessions

Commemoration of the International Worker’s Day (CNEFP, Tíbar)
Date: 1st May
Location: Training Centre of Tíbar

09h15m – 10h40m: Commemoration of the International Worker’s Day (CNEFP, Tíbar)
• Arrival at Tíbar
• Intervention of the Director of CNEFP (words of welcome and brief presentation of CNEFP)
• Intervention of the representative of ILO in Timor-Leste
• Speech by H.E. the Secretary of State for Employment Policy and Vocational Training
• Speech by H.E. the Minister of State, Coordinator of Economic Affairs and Agriculture

10h30m: Visit to the exhibition on Employment Policies and Vocational Training

11h15m: Visit to the National Centre for Employment and Vocational Training of Tíbar (visit conducted by the Director of the CNEFP)

15h30m: Signing of the Declaration of Díli of the XIII RMTAS of CPLP
• Opening ceremony
• Ceremony of reading and adoption of the Strategic Plan for SHST of CPLP
• Ceremony of reading and signing of the Declaration of Tíbar and Strategic Action Plan of the XIII RMTAS of CPLP
• Closing by H.E. the Prime Minister of Timor-Leste

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=11760