Government salutes PNTL on 15th Anniversary

Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste

  Díli, March 31, 2015

Government salutes PNTL on 15th Anniversary

Last Friday at a Ceremony held to commemorate the 15th Anniversary of the National Police Force of Timor-Leste, Prime Minister H.E. Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo offered his “warm congratulations” to all PNTL personnel, and underlined his “full confidence” in the institution.

Attending the ceremony were the President of Parliament H.E. Vicente Guterres, the President of the Court of Appeal H.E. Dr Guilhermino da Silva, Minister of the Interior, Dr Longuinhos Monteiro, Commander of Timor-Leste Defence Forces Major General Lere Anan Timur and members of Parliament, Government and the diplomatic corps.

The Special Ceremony held at the Police Training Centre in Comoro included a review of Forces on Parade, the awards of decorations and promotions and the swearing in of officers into the two most senior positions of the institution.

Commander-General Júlio Hornay was sworn in to lead the PNTL with Faustino da Costa sworn in as Second Commander General.

The Prime Minister thanked the officers receiving awards and decorations “for the commitment, dedication and professionalism they have shown in the performance of their duties. Their good example” he said ”should be followed and adopted by every PNTL member, so as to create a body that is homogenous, uniform, honourable and respected by the community to which it belongs.”

Spokesperson for the Government, Minister of State Agio Pereira, noted “It is with great pride we celebrate the anniversary of our national police service. We do not take for granted the importance of a Timorese police force pledged to uphold law and order and serve the people of Timor-Leste; and we congratulate the men and women of the PNTL and wish them well in their ongoing duties as they serve the Nation.”
