Prime Minister conducts surprise visit to Customs and SERVE

The Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, conducted, on February 26th, a surprise visit to the Díli port and to the Registration and Business Verification Service (RBVS), in order to directly check on the conditions that have been affecting the functioning of those services and to become aware of the assets imported by Timor-Leste.

The Head of Government, accompanied by the Vice Ministers for Finance, Hélder Lopes, and for Public Works, Transports and Communications, Inácio Moreira, as well as by the General Director for Customs and other Directors, checked on the not-yet dispatched containers.

One of these containers, for example, which according to the receiver contained vehicle parts, actually carried a loader excavator. Besides, it was noticed the existence of imported vehicles with dates of manufacture from five years ago, which does not comply with the procedures in force and does not allow obtaining license for their sale in Timor-Leste.

Rui Maria de Araújo also had the opportunity to observe the operation of the X-ray machine in the containers. The responsible officers provided clarification on the two devices currently used in customs, which allow to detect, daily, 15 containers each one.

With this visit, the Prime Minister noted that the system in the General Directorate for Customs needs to be completed and its management improved, thus recommending that the Vice-Ministers present are in-charge of finding solution to these problems.

From the port, the Head of Government continued his tour through the National Directorate from Domestic Tax and the Registration and Business Verification Service (RBVS). On this visit, the Prime Minister recalled that the government created the RBVS to function as an integrated answering service, in order to improve service to people wishing to register their businesses.

In practical terms, to make a registration, it is necessary to use three locations: Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Environment and Ministry of Finance. With RBVS, through the one stop shop, it is supposed to exist one single place to get the register.

To that extent, Rui Maria de Araújo, requests to be implemented the policy that is already in place, in order to provide a better attendance and service to the community and to those who want to start their own business.

At the National Directorate for Domestic Tax, the current system can be used to better process audits, missing although specific data on people who have already paid taxes in accordance to their rank. In this regard, the Prime Minister asked the Vice Minister of Finance to find a solution.

During the visit, the Head of Government took the opportunity to observe the existing conditions in these State institutions and also to listen and gather opinions submitted by officials, businessmen and entrepreneurs, on improvements to the management and working systems of these institutions.
