Timor-Leste takes over the Presidency of the CPLP Business Confederation

Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste


 Díli, March 3, 2015

Timor-Leste takes over the Presidency of the CPLP Business Confederation


On Saturday in a ceremony held in Dili, Timor-Leste assumed the role of President of the Business Confederation of the Community of Portuguese Language Speaking Countries [CE-CPLP]. The role falls to Timor-Leste as it currently holds the rotating Presidency of the CPLP from 2014-2016.

The Confederation, which began in 2004, strengthens cooperation between the business associations and entities of the nine CPLP member States to enhance conditions for business development and encourage increased economic activity.

Representing Timor-Leste as the new Honorary President of the Confederation is Jorge Manuel de Araújo Serrano, President of the Association of Young Timorese Entrepreneurs [ANJET]. Mr. Serrano sees the Presidency as an excellent opportunity for Timor-Leste and said “We want to open the door to Timor-Leste, a new country with ample business opportunities.”

In his closing remarks at the ceremony on Saturday, Prime Minister of Timor-Leste Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo noted “It is fitting that the first initiative under our Presidency should concern the business and economic sector, which is the cornerstone of our action program.” He went on to explain “Our goal is to have a strong private sector that can mobilise the interests of businesspeople, particularly within the Portuguese-speaking world, and open doors to partnerships and to the execution of projects and businesses in Timor-Leste and in this rich region in which we live.”

Last year during the CPLP Summit held in Dili the Government of Timor-Leste affirmed its support of the Business Confederation of the CPLP pointing to a vision for the future which sees increased flow of trade between member States extending to the regional organizations to which they belong on four continents. In this vision Timor-Leste is seen as an important link for CPLP members to Asia.

On Sunday a meeting of Timorese entrepreneurs and the new members of the Business Confederation featured presentations on the CPLP Exporters Union, the Project of the Special Zone of Social Market Economy of Oe-Cusse Ambeno and the Opportunities for the Timorese Private Sector. At this event new associate entrepreneurs of the Business Confederation were officially welcomed.

Government Spokesperson, Minister Agio Pereira noted “Timor-Leste’s assumption of the Honorary Presidency of the Business Confederation takes place at a time when our private sector is showing encouraging signs of growth. By improving our connections within the CPLP family, showcasing business opportunities within Timor-Leste and promoting trade and innovation amongst CPLP member States all stand to benefit. This could not have come at a better time.”

 An English translation of the speech of Prime Minister Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo is available here.

An English version of the CE-CPLP website is at:





url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=11359