Prime Minister visits PNTL Headquarters

The Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, visited, on February 20th, the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) General Headquarters, in Caicoli, where he met the Police Commanders from the whole territory.

Rui Maria de Araújo has requested national policemen to support and give priority to community policemen, mainly in traffic control as well as in the fight against drug trafficking and trafficking in human beings.

In his intervention, the Prime Minister has also referred that PNTL shall work with rigor and firmness, in order to give good examples to the community and called on the reinforcement of joint operations between PNTL and F-FDTL.

The Interim Commander for PNTL, Commissioner Afonso de Jesus has presented to the Prime Minister the police activities, by referring that he structure of the General Command of PNTL continues monitoring the events within the territory. According to Commissioner Afonso de Jesus, nothing will affect the stability, security and peace across the country.

PNTL has shown its contentment related to the swearing-in speech of the Prime Minister, promising to pay more attention to Defence and Security areas, by referring that, on a short time, he would like to see bureaucracy minimized so that the institution will have the chance to develop the trust of the people and of the authorities.

In the visit to PNTL Headquarters, the Prime Minister was accompanied by the Minister of the Interior and former Commander of PNTL, Longuinhos Monteiro, and by the Interim Commander, Commissioner Afonso de Jesus.
