SoSPTEP inaugurates houses for the underprivileged, in Manatuto

On February 5th, the State Secretariat for Professional Training and Employment Policy (SoSPTEP), through the Secretary of State, Ilídio Ximenes da Costa, inaugurated five homes for the underprivileged, in the village of Dauloroc, Suco of Manalala, administrative office of Soibada, Municipality of Manatuto.

The Secretary of State, Ilídio Ximenes da Costa, explained that this construction has been accomplished through the rural employment program, which also builds houses for the communities in greatest need. The five houses are 8 meters long and 5 meters wide and have been built with local materials.

“We ask for householders to use and take good care of the houses in the long term”, reinforced the Secretary of State.

According to the director of the company Riza Unip. Ltd., Florindo Sarmento, all five houses were built between May and November 2014, with a total budget of 155.383,17 american dollars.

One of the beneficiaries, Fernando Sarmento, was extremely thankful to the State Secretariat for Professional Training and Employment Policy and to the Government for the construction of these houses aimed at protecting the underprivileged: “We thank the Government, for offering us well-built houses for us to live in. We take the chance to ask SSPTEP to build five extra houses for communities in need, on other municipalities.”

At this ceremony, Ilídio Ximenes da Costa was accompanied by the Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers, Avelino Coelho, and by the Vice President of Commission D for Economic Affairs and Development from the National Parliament, Domingos Carvalho de Araújo.
