Meeting of the Council of Ministers of 17th of February 2015

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Dili, February 17th, 2015

Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers of 17th of February 2015

The Sixth Constitutional Government joined for its first meeting of the Council of Ministers this Tuesday, January 17th, 2015, in the Noble Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, in Díli, and approved the Decree-Law that approves the Organic of the VI Constitutional Government.

This diploma contains the structure, the organic, the competences and the philosophy of the new Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, a country that has been experiencing an accelerated socio-political, economic and cultural development, with emerging challenges at the international level but more specifically at the national level, which require efficient and effective responses.

The Government’s objective is to combat the increased bureaucracy culture, through a more functional and more technically capable structure, where its members are absolutely committed to the population’s aspirations.

This new structure responds to these requirements, allowing a greater focus on the provision of basic services to the Timorese, and at the same time, giving continuity to the on-going programs and reforms, to the improvement of methodologies and of the administration and management operational capability and also to the Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030 implementation.

The Government is composed by the Prime Minister, the Ministers of State, the Ministers, the Vice Ministers and Secretaries of State, with the following structure:

a) Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers;

b) Minister of State, Coordinating Minister of Social Affairs;

c) Minister of State, Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs;

d) Minister of State, Coordinating Minister of State Administration Affairs and Justice

These last 3 Ministers are also responsible for the Ministries of Education, Agriculture and Fisheries and the State Administration, respectively.

In addition to the Ministers of State, the following Ministers are also in the Government:

a) Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation;

b) Minister of Finance;

c) Minister of Justice;

d) Minister of Health;

e) Minister of Social Solidarity;

f) Minister of Commerce, Industry and the Environment;

g) Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture;

h) Minister of Public Works, Transports and Communications;

i) Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources;

j) Minister of Defence;

k) Minister of the Interior;

l) Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment;

Some ministers are assisted, in the performance of their duties, by Vice Ministers and Secretaries of State, namely:

a) The Minister of State and Presidency of the Council of Ministers, by the Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers, by the Secretary of State for Parliamentary Affairs and by the Secretary of State for Social Communication;

b) The Minister of State of Social Affairs and Minister of Education, by the Vice Minister of Education I, by the Vice Minister of Education II, by the Secretary of State for the Support and Socio-Economical Promotion of Women and by the Secretary for Youth and Sports;

c) The Minister of State, Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, by the Vice Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries and by the Secretary of State for Employment Policy and Vocational Training;

d) The Minister of State Administration, Coordinating Minister of State Administration Affairs and Justice and Minister of State Administration, by the Vice Minister of State Administration, by the Secretary of State for Institutional Strengthening and by Secretary of State for State Administration;

e) The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, by the Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation;

f) The Minister of Finance, by the Vice-Minister of Finance;

g) The Minister of Justice, by the Secretary of State for Land and Property;

h) The Minister of Health, by the Vice Minister of Health;

i) The Ministry of Social Solidarity, by the Vice-Minister of Social Solidarity;

j) The Minister of Commerce, Industry and Environment, by the Vice Minister of Commerce, Industry and the Commerce;

k) The Minister of Tourism, Arts and Cultures, by the Secretary of State for Arts and Cultures;

l) The Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communications, by the Vice MInister of Public Works, Transport and Communications I and Vice Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communications II.
