“Doing better by working together”

Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste

 Díli, February 16, 2015

“Doing better by working together”


This afternoon the members of the Sixth Constitutional Government were sworn into office by the President of the Republic, H.E. Taur Matan Ruak. At the ceremony in Dili, dignitaries from Timor-Leste and international community gathered to show their solidarity with the new Government and new Prime Minister H.E. Rui Maria de Araújo.

The President referred to the new government as a “government of continuity” and noted that Timor-Leste was moving “from the generation which has conquered liberation to that which must conquer development.”

Prime Minister Araújo paid his respects to the heritage of the nations heroes, the foundation of “the older brothers and sisters” and the legacy of Xanana Gusmão, who today officially steps down from his position of Prime Minister and becomes a Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment. He noted “Today is unquestionably an historic day in the political life of Timor-Leste. With the exceptional circumstances that led to the formation of this Sixth Government, we now have a more pragmatic logic of serving the national interest above any other.”

The new executive is smaller and more inclusive. Araujo assured “despite their own political convictions the members of the Sixth Government will put the interests of the people above any other partisan interests.”

The new Prime Minister summarized the positive progress Timor-Leste had made since independence but was not willing “to harbour any illusions regarding the challenges that still exist.” The new Government, he said, wants to “to implement the Strategic Plan, and ultimately the program of the previous Government” but “focussing on better service delivery and on the quality of works, in a manner that is efficient, effective and accountable.” Being accountable, delivering quality services and being disciplined were repeated themes in his presentation.

Araújo noted the excellent international relations of Timor-Leste especially with near neighbours Australia and Indonesia. He also affirmed that the delimitation of the land and maritime boundaries of Timor-Leste in accordance with international law remains a priority.

The Prime Ministers speech was a call to action, the presentation of a new emphasis on efficiency, accountability and results and an insight into the steps Timor-Leste will take to become a modern and progressive society.

“We can do better by working together”, said the Prime Minister, “this should be the spirit that moves our society. Our society will have the level of solidarity and unity depending upon what each of us contributes, with a true sense of courage, duty and responsibility, so that we may work together in building our nation.”

The first meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Sixth Constitutional Government begins at 9:00am tomorrow morning.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=11235