Extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers of January 20, 2015

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

V Constitutional Government


Dili, January 20th, 2015

Press Release

Extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers of January 20, 2015

The Council of Ministers met extraordinarily on this Tuesday, 20th of January 2015, in the Council of Minister’s Meeting Room in the Government Palace in Dili, to prepare the work to be done in Oe-Cusse Ambeno, on the 23rd of January.

The meeting focused specifically on preparing the themes that will be debated in the extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers to be held in Pante Macassar, the capital of Oe-Cusse Ambeno district/municipality, on Friday.

The Council of Ministers also approved the Government Resolution approving the nomination of the Administrators of the Administration Council of the National Authority of Telecommunications.

The nominees – by proposal of the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, responsible for the area of Telecommunications – are Ms. Matilde Amaral Canizio as Financial Administrator of the National Authority of Telecommunications, Mr. João Olívio Freitas as Technical Administrator, and Mr. Fernando Afonso da Silva and Ms. Joana Lourença Belo as non Executive Administrators, on partial time.

The nominated Administrators are recognized to have the necessary suitability, professional experience and competence to substantiate the suitability of their profiles for the appointed posts.

Decree Law No. 15/2012, of 28th March, it is recalled, created the National Authority of Telecommunications (ANC). It is a public institute, in charge of regulating the telecommunications sector.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=11107