Extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers from December 19th, 2014

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

V Constitutional Government


Dili, December 19th, 2014

Press Release

Extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers from December 19th, 2014

The Council of Ministers met extraordinarily this Friday, December 19th, 2014, in the Council of Ministers’ Meeting Room, at the Government Palace, in Dili, approving 12 diplomas:

This diploma approves the implementation of rules related to academic allowances, leadership bonus and extraordinary supplements for teachers at the National University of Timor Lorosa’e.

Considering that the general civil service regime foresees a progressive system of levels and degrees and a fixed wage system for management and leadership positions and having been identified the need to approving a similar framework for academic leadership positions, foreseen on the Statute of the NUTL, it has been realized, however, that a direct adjustment on the fixed salary system for leadership positions would not be viable due to the wide spectrum between the minimum and the maximum salary within the university teaching career. In order to avoid discrimination between the two career schemes (the general public and the academic) functionally and adaptable to the university teaching career scheme, it was decided to calculate the exact difference between the salary of a leading position and the salary a public official who aspire to the same position using a simple arithmetic method and easy to apply. The end result is a bonus system added to the base salary for teachers, indexed to the system of general civil service, which ensures a permanent parity and immune to legislative developments in the future.

2. Decree Law approving the first amendment to Decree Law n. 44/2012, from November 21st, which approves the Framework for the Ministry of Finance

This amendment to the Framework of the Ministry of Finance has the main aim of allowing service restructuring or the transfer of competencies from the General Directorate for Corporate Services to services directly depending on the Minister of Finance, for better coordination purposes. It also aims to reflect the non-inclusion of the Secretariat for Major Projects and the g7 + Secretariat in the structure of the Ministry of Finance, and also correct the articulation of some competencies based on practical experience in the last two years of governance.

3. Decree Law approving supplementary payment to officials attached to the process of the General State Budget for 2015 and State Account closing from 2014

The awarding of this supplementary payment aims to acknowledge the professional dedication and encourage employees, affected to the state budget process for 2015 and closing of the 2014 State Accounts, who have distinguished themselves by exemplary performance of their obligations with a high degree of efficiency and innovation and professional merit.

It should be noted that the preparation and execution of the State Budget for 2015 and the close of the financial year of 2014 entails a substantial increase in workload leading to employees, affected to these processes, to work more than the hours allowed by law, including 40 additional hours per month and without any right to a weekly rest day or any additional remuneration.

4. Government Decree on Public Finance Procedures and General State Budget Execution for 2015

This diploma sets out the procedures of Public Finance and rules necessary for the implementation of the State Budget for 2015, to ensure an effective and rigorous budgetary control, as well as to control public spending, according to the approval of the policy defined in the General State Budget.

It is important to note the need and obligation to use IT System of Financial Management by all State bodies and autonomous funds and services, thus allowing greater transparency and information on the budget execution, and at the same time facilitating the supervision activities by National Parliament.

5. Decree Law approving the allowances for Service missions abroad

This diploma changes the amount allocated, by way of daily allowances, to civil servants, heads of department and members of sovereign bodies for travel abroad on behalf of the State, the travel expenses related to accommodation, food, transport, telephones, laundry and others.

This amendment aims to adjust the values assigned to those practiced by international organizations, including the United Nations.

It is important to note the right airfare restriction in class for journeys less than three hours.

6. Decree Law on the competences of public finance management professionals

This diploma determines, in a general way, what are the responsibilities of public financial management professionals, depending on their work experience and disaggregated by the degree of performance requirement. This clear definition of generic and technical skills will allow an adequate deepening of content to submit to examination or subsequent choice of the training activities indicated. It is recalled that last April, the Council of Ministers established the completion of an examination on Public Finance by all employees, officers and directors with expertise in public finance management area, to assess their weaknesses and propose future training activities.

This Decree-Law also includes rules of conduct applicable to these professionals in order to guide the performance of conferred powers.

7. Government Resolution approving the assistance to Cape Verde

The Council of Ministers approved the attribution of financial support to Cape Verde, in the amount of five-hundred thousand American dollars, in order to support this brother-country of CPLP on combatting damage made by the eruption of the volcano from the Fire Island, which has already destroyed two villages – Portela and Bengaeira. This natural catastrophe has forced the displacement of people, having already caused a substantial loss in tourism and agriculture.

8. Government Resolution approving the contribution for the Sunhak Peace Award

Timor-Leste greets the initiative for the establishment of the Sunhak Peace Award, whose principles include a vision beyond the issues of religion, race, nationality and culture, and promote the construction of peace communities and nations, so well-defended and promoted by Timor-Leste.

Therefore, the Council of Ministers has decided to approve a contribution towards the establishment of Sunhak Peace Award, in the amount of one-hundred thousand American dollars.

9. Decree Law approving the procurement management in Public Administration

This diploma sets standard rules and procedures for recruitment, payment, contract and performance management of all the employees hired by Public Administration.

10. Decree Law approving the National Base Curriculum for Preschool Education

Pre-school education is of particular importance for child development, being its potential directly connected to a solid foundation in childhood and early years’ education. A positive experience in the preschool stage can be a determining factor in the education process throughout life.

This diploma incorporates the understanding that the playfulness should be further explored and valued in pre-school education, given the ability to provide an enjoyable learning for children. Also determines that the pedagogy to be used in teaching and learning should be child-centred, creating the basis for the development of cognitive, psychomotor, social and emotional dimensions.

Currently, there are a large number of children who start attending primary school without being properly prepared for school life, which has an impact on their future academic success. Thus, although the pre-school is not considered as mandatory, the Government considers it essential to support, at this stage, more firmly, the pre-school education.

Under this diploma, it was promoted by the Ministry of Education, a comprehensive public consultation throughout the country, having this originated a wide set of relevant contributions.

11. Decree Law approving National base Curriculum for the First and Second Levels of Basic Education

This measure sets a basic national curriculum that includes general guidelines of the curriculum components and a comprehensive, organized program of clearly identifying the expected learning outcomes, performance indicators, as well as a set of lesson plans needed to implement the content of the curriculum components.

The teaching and learning autonomy is ensured by the possibility of schools to develop additional curriculum components for the national base curriculum.

So far, it had not been given the necessary attention within the curriculum, to multilingual and multicultural reality of Timor-Leste. Having this reality now been taken into account, and based on positive results of pilot projects already implemented, the national base curriculum provides a clear system of linguistic progression, able to ensure a sound knowledge of both official languages. Recognition of the use of the first official language, when necessary, has also the potential to ensure access for all to education, on equal terms.

Under this law, it was promoted by the Ministry of Education a comprehensive public consultation throughout the country, by having this originated a set of widely relevant contributions. Several public organisms have been heard, including the Ministry of Social Solidarity, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Ministry of Health, the University of Timor Lorosa’e, the National Institute of Linguistics and a representative number of public schools and organizations from civil society.

12. Decree Law approving National base Curriculum for the First and Second Levels of Basic Education

The amendment to this agreement aims to extend the previous operation and maintenance contract of the Hera Electric Power Plant, in order to be expanded to include also the operation and maintenance of Betano Electric Power Plant.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=11038