Inauguration of the statue of Nicolau Lobato, in Aileu

On Thursday, November 27th, 2014, the President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak, inaugurated the statue of President Nicolau Lobato, at the Suco of Aussirimou, Municipality of Aileu.

The President of the Republic and the former Prime Minister and Secretary General for FRETILIN, Mari Alkatiri, cut the inauguration ribbon of the half-body statue.

Present at this inauguration were the Prime Minister of the RDTL, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, the Vice Prime Minister, Fernando La Sama de Araújo, the President of FRETILIN, Francisco Guterres, Lu-Olo, José Lobato (only son of Nicolau Lobato), Rogério Tiago de Fátima Lobato (legitimate brother of Nicolau Lobato), members of Government, members of National Parliament, veterans, representatives from the Diplomatic Corps, guests and the community of Aileu, in a total of almost five-thousand people.

Apart from the inauguration, it the ritual ceremony of sword and other weapons award also took place, where the elders from thirteen districts took part. Inaug. Mon. Nicolau Lobato Aileu Fita 1 Inauguration of the statue of Nicolau Lobato, in Aileu

In his speech, the Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão referred that the statue of Nicolau Lobato represents the recognition from the Government and he honoured all the heroes who fell in the struggle for independence and their dreams of assuring the sovereignty and dignity of the State of Timor-Leste.

Therefore, Xanana Gusmão asked the Timorese to stick together for one single idea, considering the interests of the nation and the people. “This statue is the appreciation for the sacrifice of Nicolau Lobato. I ask the youngsters to study and to accurately prepare themselves for the future. I also ask the whole society to use the democratic means in order to correct ourselves and pay attention to each other”, referred the Prime Minister.

The representative for the family of the longing former President Nicolau Lobato, Rogério Lobato, thanked the Government for building another statue of our President. “We, the families from Leorema-Liquiçá and Soibada-Manatuto, present our greetings to the State of Timor-Leste, for continuing celebrating the memory of the longing Nicolau Lobato close to the people”, referred.

By taking this opportunity, the State of Timor-Leste honoured 32 Timorese, for their action in hiding the highest ranking leaders of the Resistance during the struggle for national liberation, and also 137 veterans.

Meanwhile, the President of the Organizing Committee for the celebrations of November 28th, Jorge da Conceição Teme, on his speech, informed that the budget for the construction of the statue comes from the fund of the National Development Agency (NDA). The statue belongs to the State and sets the history of the armed uprising from August 15th, 1975.
