Timor-Leste qualifies technical staff in Portuguese language and communication skills

On November 21st, at the National Printing House in Dili, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM), through the Technical Training Centre in Communication (TTCC), held a ceremony to deliver certificates to the 2014 graduation students.

The ceremony was attended by the State Secretary for Institutional Strengthening , Francisco da Costa Soares, who in his opening speech congratulated the continuous training of all civil servants in languages, communication and new technologies, and praised the benefits of the human resources training as a way to professionalise the services of national institutions.

At the closure of the 2014 academic year, 92 professionals of 35 public institutions were qualified. 70 Portuguese Language certificates were delivered and 23 civil servants had positive results during the attendance in the National Qualification in Communication and Media for the public sector, level IV, of INDMO.

This training was carried out in collaboration with the Support Program for the CPLP summit, which established a partnership between the TTCC and the PQLP / CAPES (Teaching Qualification and Portuguese Language Teaching Program in Timor-Leste, by the Brazilian Cooperation) since June 2014.

At the ceremony’s closing, the Coordenator of the PQLP / CAPES, Rachel Scartezini, congratulated the training program and kept the possibility of future partnerships open.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=10934