Vice Prime Minister inaugurates the bridge Koeluil Maklau

The Vice Prime Minister, Fernando La Sama de Araújo, along with the President of the Commission E of the National Parliament, Pedro dos Reis Mártires, and the National Director for Roads, Bridges and Flood Control, Rui Hernani, inaugurated the bridge of Koeluil Maklau, on September 13th, 2014.

The rehabilitation of the bridge, 45 meters long and 3 meters wide, which connects the village of Leotelu, from the suco of Nunumogue, with the suco of Mauchiga, subdistrict of Hato-Builico, Ainaro, costed USD982.511,00 and was financed by the State Budget. The work was executed in about 2 years and three months, by the company Marino Enterprises, Ltd.

The Vice Prime Minister took the occasion to highlight the importance of the rehabilitation of the bridge as part of the development of national infrastructures. La Sama also referred that the Bridge, named Jakarta 2, has left, in the history of the Timorese Resistance, the memory of the fallen heroes in the struggle for national liberation. These martyr heroes, mainly from the sucos of Mauchiga, Goulor, Leutema e Nunumogue, were young intellectuals. The Vice Prime Minister emphasized the “need to build a small monument to honour them”.

The National Director, Rui Hernani, underlined the importance of the usefulness of the bridge, which will ease the movement of the population from one side of river to the other. Rui Hernani urged the population to “take good care of this bridge. If it has any damage, do not forget to tell us, so we can fix it quickly for the bridge to last for years and years. “

The Deputy Administrator of Ainaro, Francisco Barros, conveyed the satisfaction of the population for the fact of, henceforth, being able to take their products into the market in an easier way than years ago: “On behalf of the people of Hatubuilico, I thank the Government and I hope this project will be complemented with the continuation of this road as it is the aspiration of the people to have a well compacted road, so it lasts many years, since it is nowadays too inclined “.

The event had the presence of the President of the Commission E, Pedro dos Reis Mártires, the members of the National Parliament, Osório Florindo and Manuel Castro, authorities and community leaders from Ainaro, amongst other guests.
