1st Seminar on e-government

The Ministry of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, with the support of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Secretariat of State for Institutional Strengthening, organized the 1st Seminar on e-government, under the subject “Current issues and future guidance”, which took place on August 27th, at the Knowledge Centre of the Ministry of Finance.

The e-government, as reflected on the Strategic Development Plan (2011-2030), aims to facilitate to citizens the access to information and services provided by the Government.

The seminar, aimed at sharing the achievements and experiences on the development of e-government, as well as to discuss current issues and future guidance, was composed of 3 sessions: Government Network, Internet and Legal Framework; Provision of Online Government Services; Resource Management on Information Technology. Even before these thematic sessions, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers presented the results of a study it has been performing, since February until August, on this subject, which also formed the basis for discussion in the sessions.

The opening and the closure of the event were made by the Secretary of State of the Council of Ministers, Avelino Coelho. As speakers, were the Minister for Health, Sérgio Lobo, and the Chairman of the National Communications Authority, general directors and IT directors, amongst others.

During a day, speakers and participants debated and analysed, in a critical way, the advantages and disadvantages, the main issues and types of services of the programs provided by the e-government. Based on these considerations, it will be prepared an action plan in order to introduce and develop the strategy of this program.

The e-government is also an initiative present in every country of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), and the 1st CPLP Conference on e-government occurred in Lisbon in the year of 2013, being the second edition of this event planned for next November in Luanda.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=10604