Meeting of the Council of Ministers, August 19th, 2014

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

V Constitutional Government


Dili, August 19th, 2014

Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers, August 19th, 2014

The Government gathered this Tuesday, August 19th, 2014, in the Council of Ministers’ Meeting Room, at the Government Palace, in Díli, and approved:

1. Proposal of nomination for the positions of Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces and Heads of the Military Components

The Council of Ministers has decided on the list of militaries to suggest to Mr. President of the Republic for the positions of Chief of Staff and Commanders of the military components.

This decision follows the entry into force of the F-FDTL’s Military Statute, on March this year. According to the F-FDTL’s Military Statute, the exercise of the functions of Chief of General Staff of the F-FDTL, of Deputy-Chief of General Staff of the F-FDTL, Chief of Staff of the F-FDTL and Commanders of the due components, have been given a limited temporal duration. In the case of Generals, the office lasts four years, in the others it lasts for two years.

2. First Amendment to Decree Law n. 19/2003, Regulation of Rates for the Ports of Timor-Leste

The Council of Ministers analysed and approved a proposal from the Minister for Transport and Communications, aiming to change the Regulation of Rates for the Ports of Timor-Leste.

This amendment allows that, by Order of the Minister and after consultation with the Ministry of Finance, on exceptional and dully substantiated cases, the fractionated payment, the reduction or the exemption of those rates may be authorized.

The Council of Ministers also analysed:

1. Proposal for construction of a Waste Treatment and Energy Production Industry

The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Environment presented to the Council of Ministers the proposal for construction of a Waste Treatment and Energy Production Industry from the company Shun Hsin.
