10th Conference of Heads of State and Government of the CPLP

The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste receives, on July 23rd, the 10th Conference of the Heads State and Government of CPLP, which will take place in the Noble Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, in Dili.

The Supporting Office for the Presidency of the CPLP, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, has already made known the schedule for the week preceding the Tenth Conference of Heads of State and Government of the CPLP:

- July 17th and 18th: 29th Meeting of the Cooperation Focal Points – RPFC (Conference Room of the Diplomatic Institute of MoFAC);
- July 19th: Meeting of the Technical Preparatory Group of the 175th CCP (Conference Room of the Diplomatic Institute of MoFAC);
- July 21st: 175th Meeting of the Permanent Agreement Committee – CCP (Conference Room of the Diplomatic Institute of the MoFAC);
- July 22nd: Nineteenth Meeting of the Council of Ministers (Noble Room of the MoFAC);
- July 23rd: Tenth Conference of Heads of State and Government of the CPLP (Noble Room of the MoFAC).
url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=10220