MoSA takes part in the United Nations Day for Public Service

The Minister of State Administration, Jorge da Conceição Teme, attended an international conference, organized by the United Nations, to commemorate the “United Nations Day for Public Service” and the awarding ceremony of the prize with the same name, that occurred from June 24th to June 27th, in Barhain.

The conference’s main goal was facilitating the innovation exchange, identified by the Less Developed Countries (LDC’s) that use a system in which all governmental institutions, at every level, collaborate in order to facilitate services that aim to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDG).

Jorge da Conceição Teme referred that his Delegation made a presentation entitled “Public Sector’s Role in service delivery, taking into account the MDG on the post-2015’s Development Agenda – Timor-Leste context”. In this discussion, they talked about the MDG’s implementation that the Government of Timor-Leste established in Batugadé, Aileu, Baucau and other districts, and was also mentioned the implementation of the pilot-project “National Program for Development of Sucos” (PNDS) on the 30 sucos, spread-out by 5 districts. This program aims to cover 442 sucos, next year. He also made a reference to the district integrated program, which implementation was previously assigned by the Decentralized Development Program (DDP) I and II, and that this year will be called District Integrated Development Program, already having been signed by some of the districts.

The head of State Administration considered Timor-Leste’s participation on this international conference as another opportunity for Timor-Leste to speak-out, do presentations, bring about constructive ideas that were appreciated by the remaining countries.

Jorge Teme also took part in a roundtable and, on behalf of the Government of Timor-Leste, addressed the UN and the other participants, stating that “although Timor-Leste has 11 years of independence, the major concern is not financial, the major concern is on how to empower human resources”.

In this conference, were present more than one hundred countries, and were over a thousand participants.
