Council of Ministers Meeting from February 8, 2012




Council of Ministers Meeting from February 8, 2012

The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, February 8, 2012, in the Council of Ministers Meeting Room, at the Government Palace, in Díli and approved:

1. Policy of Public-Private Partnerships

The Policy of Public-Private Partnerships presented to the Council of Ministers by the Ministry of Finance, aims to improve the infra-structure services of the country through greater private sector involvement in financing, construction and operation of these public infra-structures. The Policy sets out the types of public infra-structure that may be considered for agreements of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and how a PPP project will be evaluated, provisioned and managed.

With this policy, the Government of Timor-Leste aims to promote economic activities and improve the welfare of its citizens through a more active participation of the private sector in improving the nation infra-structure. The Government believes that improving the infra-structure via PPP agreements should encourage the private sector development, and contribute to GDP growth over the life of the Strategic Development Plan (2011-2030).

2. Government Resolution that creates the Working Group responsible for the Registry and Verification of Enterprise Service (SERVE)

This decree creates the Working Group responsible for the coordination and implementation of the new service for commercial registration and licensing, called the Registry and Verification of Enterprise Service (SERVE).

The Working Group has the functions to, in general terms, define, plan and implement SERVE, as well as inform the public about the progress of this work, which should be completed in April 2012.

3. Government Resolution that approves the Environmental Policy

The IV Constitutional Government is committed to give the environmental area the status of an integral and indispensable essential element in the sustainable development strategy of the country and in promoting the quality of life of the Timorese people.

Thus, given the lack of legislation in this regard, the definition of a national environmental legal framework becomes vital not only to meet the various obligations that the State has taken internationally but as well to address the environmental problems that the country faces every day and that call for urgent and integrated response by public authorities.

These objectives can only be achieved with the approval of an environmental policy capable of defining a clear, transparent and bounding environmental priority to be implemented in the future, one that promotes the protection and conservation of the environment and natural resources on behalf and benefit of current and future generations.

4. Decree-Law approving the first amendment to the Organic Law of the Secretariat of State for the Promotion of Equality

Three years after the implementation of the Decree-Law no. 16/2008, from June 4, which introduced the Organic Law of the Secretary of State for the Promotion of Equality, there is recognition for the need of its partial revision in order to optimize its administration, and add an Inspector and Auditor to its Directorates. The Inspector and Auditor promotes the functioning of services and performance of employees of the Secretariat of State of Promotion of Equality.

According to the Government Resolution no. 27/2011 of September 14, which approved the establishment of working groups mechanisms for gender at national and district levels, this amendment ensures also the necessary staff to support its proper implementation.

5. Decree-Law that approves the Conditional Support Grant “Bolsa da Mãe

The conditional support allowance named “Bolsa da Mãe” is a cash benefit, funded by the State Budget, of a conditional nature for its award is conditioned depending on actions taken by the family, aimed at reducing poverty, promoting compulsory basic school attendance and access to primary health care. This measure is framed witin the program of the IV Constitutional Government, which envisages the development of ” subsidies programs to the poorest and most vulnerable, which will contribute to increased social equity but also materially, in the human capital capacity increase, essential for a sustainable development “and that” the Government will also consider the development of pilot projects, conditional cash transfers, in health and education of the poorest families, similar to what has been done successfully in other countries “.

In this sense, the Government has already developed the “Bolsa da Mãe” pilot project in 2008, aimed at unmarried or widowed mothers, with the objective of promoting access to education and health for their children.
Given the importance of this pilot project and the experience gained, the Council of Ministers considers it essential to adopt legislation defining the criteria and procedures for the allocation of a grant.

6. Decree-Law establishing a extraordinary period for promotions in the National Police of Timor-Leste

In the recent promotion process of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) some vacancies remained unfilled that need to be fulfilled, and therefore, there is need to fill-in new promotions.

The process consists in selecting members of the PNTL to integrate promotion courses. The agents to be promoted will be those who finish the courses with a satisfactory score.

7. Government Resolution approving the appointment of a Member of the Board of the National Petroleum Authority

The Council of Ministers approved the appointment of Jorge Martins to exercise the functions as a Member of the Board of the National Petroleum Authority (ANP). This appointment is based on academic skills and professional experience of the appointee, relevant to the sector where he will carry out his duties.

The Council of Ministers also analyzed:

1. National Report on Human Rights

With this report and with the contributions of the civil society and UN, the general framework of human rights in Timor-Leste is drawn up.

The purpose of this document is to comply with international obligations under number 15 (a) of the Annex in Resolution 5/1 of the Human Rights Council, together operating with the first Timor-Leste Universal Periodic Review.

Its development has benefited from a broad participation and counted, for this purpose, with a ministerial team composed of technicians and experts in Human Rights, under the coordination of the Ministry of Justice.

For the preparation of the Periodic Universal Review public consultations were made in seven of the thirteen districts of Timor-Leste, chosen at random, with the participation of representative members of the community, including women and children. The consultation process culminated with the realization of a national consultation in Dili.

The general rules for the preparation of information for the Universal Periodic Review, within Decision 6/102 of the Human Rights Council were also taken into account when preparing the report.

