Council of Ministers Meeting of September 2, 2011





Council of Ministers meeting of September 2, 2011


This Friday, September 2, 2011 the Council of Ministers met at the Council of Ministers’ meeting room in the Government Palace, Díli, and approved:

1. Second Amendment to the Government Decree that Regulates the Statute of Heads of Sovereign Institutions

In order to provide a transparent and sustainable system, recognizing the importance of the former holders of Sovereign Institutions, the Ministry of Finance presented an amendment to the Government Decree that Regulates the Status of the holder of the Sovereign Institution, in order to better define the rights and benefits provided for therein, and which was approved by the Council of Ministers.

2. Government Resolution that Approves the Convention between the Portuguese Republic and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste for the Avoidance of Double Taxation

Technical teams from the Ministry of Finance of both countries have been discussing an agreement between the two countries regarding income taxation earned by its citizens, whether natural or legal persons.

Given that this is the first agreement of its kind to be negotiated, the teams started from a base model of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), so that the negotiations would benefit both parties, gave certainty to taxpayers of both countries and resulted in increased confidence by investors, more jobs and higher tax collections.

The Government Resolution that approves the Agreement to Avoid Double Taxation between Timor-Leste and Portugal protects Timor-Leste’s income base, or in other words, the areas for telecommunication and oil and gas operations.

3. Government Resolution that appoints the Technical Consultancy Company for the Supply Base Project

The Council of Ministers approved the appointment of the Eastlog Holding PTE Ltd Company as a technical consultant. Besides being the current strategic partner, the Eastlog will also be the Timor-Leste Government’s technical consultant responsible for the assistance in the elaboration of technical details and supervision of the work execution related with the Suai Supply Base construction.

4. Government Resolution that Creates the National Commission for the Portuguese Language International Institute

The Council of Ministers approved a National Commission that is set to ensure the execution  of the Portuguese Language International Institute’s projects and activities, an institution from the Portuguese Speaking Countries Community that has the mission to draft policies for the dissemination, promotion and valuing of the Portuguese language.

In this way, this National Commission is composed by Benjamin Corte Real (National Linguistic Institute), Roque Rodrigues (Presidency of the Republic), Crisódio Araújo (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Maria de Fátima Soares (Externato São José) and Irene Mourato (Motael Primary School).
