Public Servant Identification Card

The Public Servant Commission is carrying out the collection of data regarding the public servants, in the whole country. This measure has two objectives: to update the public servants database (making it easier for the system that will define pensions and subsidies) and facilitate the emission of public servant identification cards.

Currently, the identification cards have a validaty of one year, but the Commission is preparing new cards that will have a validity of five years. “It will be an electronic card”, advances the Public Servants Commission President, Libório Pereira, adding that “this innovation will, for example, allow the fight on absenteeism. Nowadays, when a public servant starts his/her daily job, he/she only has to sign the presence book. When this new system is implemented, besides passing the card through a machine, that registers the data, the employee will put a finger print that confirm his/her presence”.

This Personnel Management System will be implemented, according to Libório Pereira “up to the municipal level. The model already exists. With this system we will be able to also confirm, in a faster and more efficient way, the payment of salaries. Since everything is registered, it will be easier to deduct the absences or add rewards and subsidies. Human resource management will be facilitated”.
