The Council of Ministers approved the Draft Law Proposal regarding the Industrial Property Code

The Council of Ministers approved the Draft Law Proposal regarding the Industrial Property Code, presented by the Vice Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs, and Minister of Tourism and Environment, Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, and the Vice Minister of Commerce, Augusto Júnior Trindade.

Although Law 14/2022 approved the Code of Copyright and Related Rights, the country’s legislation on industrial property is still not regulated. Article 1223 of the Civil Code addresses this gap, recognising the need for special legislation on industrial property rights.

Industrial property protects inventions, industrial designs, and trademarks, among others, and plays a crucial role in national development by encouraging innovation and creativity. Regulating this sector is critical to promoting the economy and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It is important to emphasise that industrial property is not only limited to traditional industries but also agricultural and extractive industries and all manufactured or natural products, as follows from the Paris Convention on Industrial Property.

The protection of these rights promotes a favourable business environment for innovation and ensures competitiveness in the global market. Timor-Leste’s participation in the world economy requires the adoption of international industrial property standards, as required by its membership in the World Trade Organisation. This draft law aims to harmonise national practices with international standards, providing a modern and effective code.

The Industrial Property Code consists of 282 articles inspired by comparative law and the international commitments made by Timor-Leste. It comprehensively addresses all issues related to industrial property, facilitating its understanding and use by all those who need to use it in the exercise of their scientific, creative and economic activities.
