Meeting of the Council of Ministers on February 23rd, 2023

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers on February 23rd, 2023

The Council of Ministers met, at the Government Palace, in Dili and approved the draft Decree-Law, presented by the Vice-Minister of Commerce and Industry, Domingos Lopes Antunes, regarding the legal metrological control general regime.

This draft Decree-Law aims to establish a systematic and coherent regime for controlling the measurement methods and instruments, following the best practices of metrological control systems internationally used.

The establishment of organised, serious and transparent metrological control will guarantee the accuracy, precision and transparency of measurements in a wide range of areas, such as commerce, taxation, energy and health, as well as increase credibility in commercial transactions, for example, by assuring consumers of the correct weighing of products in retail outlets or the accurate measurement of fuel at gas stations.


The draft Government Resolution, presented by the Minister of Petroleum and Minerals, Victor da Conceição Soares, approving the areas to be opened for mining activities and the terms of reference of the tender for the award of mining rights, was approved.

Recognising the economic potential of the mineral resources existing in the territory of Timor-Leste, the Government approved the opening of seven areas for mineral activities. It also authorised ANPM to launch and conduct the tender procedures leading to the award of mining rights for prospection and exploration of metallic ores, gems, rocks and industrial minerals (not including construction materials), radioactive ores, rare earth ores and coal in the areas declared for mining activities.

The terms of reference establishing the minimum requirements, selection criteria and relevant procedural rules of the public tender to be met and complied with by the bidders are also approved.


The Council of Ministers also approved the draft Decree-Law, presented by the Minister of Finance, Rui Augusto Gomes, for the first amendment to Decree-Law 22/2022, of May 11th, on the Legal Regime of Procurement, Public Contracts, and Related Infringements.

This amendment aims to correct a typo in the decree-law concerning the end date of the transitional period for the use of working languages, defined in article 195(3) of the decree-law mentioned above, which now reads December 31st, 2023. 


The Council of Ministers decided to approve, as per the project presented by the Minister of Public Works, Abel Pires da Silva, the addendum to contract RFP/003/MOP-2018, relating to consulting services for the implementation and supervision of the works for the rehabilitation and improvement of the highway between Baucau-Venilale-Viqueque, which will entail an additional cost of US$ 523,929.20 and the extension of the contract term until October 5th, 2024.


Also approved was the draft Government Resolution, presented by the Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Territory, José Maria dos Reis, for the first amendment to Government Resolution n.º 15/2022, of April 6th, on the decision to elaborate the Urbanization Plan for Dili City.

Given that the various public presentation and discussion sessions, which include the ministries and other relevant entities for the elaboration of the Urbanization Plan of the City of Dili, are sufficient to guarantee active participation in the discussion process, with this amendment, the obligation of opinions from the ministerial lines for the completion of the Consultative Commission’s written opinion on the adequacy and convenience of the solutions proposed in the Urban Plan, to be presented to the Minister of Planning and Urbanisation, is removed.

The possibility of extending the deadline for elaborating the Urbanization Plan for the City of Dili beyond the ten months previously foreseen is added, with justification, authorised by the Minister of Planning and Administration.

It is also hereby defined that the public discussion period for the Dili City Urbanization Plan is 30 days for reasons of urgency.


The Vice-Minister of Commerce and Industry, Domingos Lopes Antunes, presented the political-legislative options underlying the initiative to create a Basic Law for Industry.

The aim of creating an Industry Framework Law is to define the bases of policy for the industry sector, the guiding principles for its development and operation, and the sustained elevation of the quality of life of the country’s population.

It also aims to guarantee the adoption of measures to promote its solid development and improve its operability, thus contributing to improving people’s livelihoods and the sound development of the national economy.


Lastly, the coordinating minister for Economic Affairs, Joaquim Amaral, presented the state of play of the bilateral and multilateral negotiations in the scope of Timor-Leste’s accession process to the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Also as part of Timor-Leste’s WTO accession process, Minister Joaquim Amaral presented on the negotiations for the signing of the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) and for the expansion of the ITA Agreement, known as ITA II of the WTO, which aims to reduce customs tariffs on information technology products. END
