Government inaugurates 94 school buildings constructed or rehabilitated nationwide

The Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, accompanied by the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, Armindo Maia, on January 27th, 2023, made an official inauguration ceremony of 94 school buildings that have been built or rehabilitated throughout the country, with a symbolically held ceremony at Daitula Maucale Primary School, in Gariuai Village, Baucau Vila Administrative Post, in the Municipality of Baucau.  Government inaugurates 94 school buildings constructed or rehabilitated nationwide

In the second phase, planned for March, 120 more schools will be inaugurated, with 360 classrooms, totalling 214 schools built or rehabilitated.

 Government inaugurates 94 school buildings constructed or rehabilitated nationwideSeveral members of the 8th Constitutional Government, the President of Baucau Municipal Authority, and representatives from the diplomatic corps also attended the ceremony.
